A Heart A Fire Nominated Me for Blogger Recognition Award


A Heart A Fire nominated me for The Blogger Recognition Award. She nominated me months ago. Lyme Disease truly slows you physical and Cognitive ability. I encourage everyone to spend time at http://www.aheartafire.wordpress.com.  You will enjoy her Blog and fantastic writing. Thank you for nominating Looking For The Light Blog for The Blogger Recognition Award

The criteria for this award:

Post an image of award

Thank the person, mention name of the blog and link them to your post

Briefly explain how your blog got started

Give a piece of advice to fellow blogger.

Nominate 15 bloggers for the award and notify them you to accept award as recognition and appreciation of your contribution to a brighter world; the gift of beauty, inspiration, and enlightenment.

A bit of advice to a fellow blogger:

Write what you’re passionate about, show people your personality.  If you are can’t be truthful to yourself, people will know and you’ll burn out fast. Good luck.

I’m not able to include 15 fantastic Bloggers. I feel like a cheater. Those who know me understand the effects of Lyme Diease and how it robs your ability little by little. I’m grateful and wish my body allowed more energy,

Grateful  Xx  Melinda


15 thoughts on “A Heart A Fire Nominated Me for Blogger Recognition Award

    1. Thank you much. They are so late getting out. One was from Dec! I have one more to do and the others I’m apologizing but not able to do required work. Let the know I won’t be offended if they want to give to someone else. It’s hard to do anything when you feel dead.
      I have to pack for Mondays trip to D.C., I’ll email you later, my thoughts and concerns of the Survivors site. I don’t want to close down, if we do at some point, let’s go out with a bang.

        1. No kidding,I noticed you reblogged from others this week. Is that how you get rest and time to complete several projects? The work you posted today was awesome. I love your syle of art,it’s a perfect avenue to introduce your alternates. I’m writing an email now.

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