Happy Anniversary Robert Goldstein

I heard this song yesterday, Robert instantly came to mind, his enthusiasm for the band reminds me of how I felt hearing them for the first time.

Robert, I’m sending my love as you celebrate 27 years, thick, thin, rich, poor, sick, sicker and still in love!      M


18 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary Robert Goldstein

          1. I also have a therapist who gives us couples therapy once a month. I don’t think we’d have made it without her. I’m only now beginning to understand how ill I was when I was first diagnosed.

          2. Unfortunately my husband just couldn’t stick with it. I understand, it takes a long time to find a good therapist and each one we saw was more interested in my illness. We celebrate 15 years this month, they could have gone much smoother but we are not alone and still married. Some weeks by a thread but still married. 🙂

          3. Some weeks by a thread is how it works. I also know that I am lucky to be where I am and to have access to a therapist who still understands the importance of helping a patient to preserve his social and familial supports.

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