Male Trauma Survivor’s


Facilitating Male Trauma Survivors’ Meaningful Involvement in Health Research


Sexual abuse is an international problem and an often overlooked public health issue for men and boys. Given the prevalence of trauma and its well-documented connection to mental and physical health disorders, the relevance of male survivor input and engagement in healthcare research is profound.


With funding by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, MaleSurvivor has partnered with researchers from Yale University Department of Psychiatry, Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Center for PTSD, and the American Psychological Association’s Division of Trauma Psychology in a project to gain understanding of male trauma survivors’ perspectives on involvement in research and equip and empower them to play active and substantive roles as equitable partners in all aspects of research.


Video: Chris Anderson, Male Trauma Expert


Viedo: Amy E. Ellis, Ph.D.

12 thoughts on “Male Trauma Survivor’s

    1. Very overlooked, more stimatized than any other trauma. I’ve been trying to learn more for years and it’s hard. I have three people on my team at who where sexually assaulted as children and adults. It’s heart breaking. I’m so glad to know them. We don’t talk much about but when we do or they write a post, my gut gets angry, my heart wants to hold them and two of the guys talk with me sometimes. On Survivor’s read post “little goat” by Sedge. I knew everything he said but reading it left me speechless. 🙂