Sunday Thoughts

We all have the ability to chart our own course. Some will have a harder time than others but we can all take the wheel and carve out a life we want to live.

We achieve this by making small decisions every day that make a big impact on the whole. It’s not always the big steps we take, but it’s the small steps that will steer our path in the long haul.

One of the biggest steps I’ve taken to find happiness is to avoid negativity, which includes limiting the amount of news I watch daily, severe negative relationships, and limit social media interaction.

Another big step this year has been to make my mental health a priority. This includes self-care, tackling new challenges, and above all seeing about my physical health daily. That means taking my medication, keeping my critical doctor’s appointments, moving more often than sitting, eating a little better, and setting realistic expectations.

I work hard to give myself credit for what I accomplish each day, no matter how small it may seem. I work within my limits and don’t beat myself up if I can’t go the extra mile.

Last but not LEAST, I’m grateful. I try to look at the smallest things like I dropped a pill on the floor and I found it before my dog’s grateful. 

The key is I’m driving the car, I’m behind the wheel.

What steps do you take each day to change your destiny?

In health,


7 thoughts on “Sunday Thoughts

  1. Thank you for this post Melinda. These are all great bits of advice, and I agree completely on all points. Keeping busy, keeping appointments, limiting social media and exposure to news and toxic relationships. It all helps to keep the negatives away. I hope you have a good day today. x