Sunday Thoughts

This year…..

I’ve driven myself four times.

Had 15 doctor’s appointments, only three of which were Telehealth.

One CT Scan.

One Bone Scan.

Two Mammograms.

Seven X-rays.

Nine Lab appointments.

Six referrals to specialists.

Four steroid shots, one shoulder, three in the knee.

One round Botox for TMJ.

Rescheduled Colonsocpy twice due to pandemic, on indefinite hold now.

Haven’t slept a solid night since July due to pain, wake up between 1:30-3:30 a.m. after pain medication wears off.

Six new prescriptions.

Diagnosed with new immune disorder, Hypogammaglobulinemia.

TB Test, two Pneumonia shots, two Shingles shots, and one flu shot.

I’m one of the lucky chronically ill patients, I feel relatively good.

In health,


13 thoughts on “Sunday Thoughts

    1. That’s so nice of you to say. I hope if nothing else people will see that no matter how bad it may seem there are others who have it worse. I know so many people who are worse off than me so I do feel lucky.

      1. Oh my goodness I feel the same way! I thank God to have stumbled upon your blog. Take care and stay you, (which seems like a pretty cool individual by the way).🙂

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