We Have Water!!!!!!!

A week ago a major winter storm hit a large part of Texas causing several of our pipes to freeze and it left us without water. The plumbers are wrapping up the repairs and I’m ready to jump for joy! I will not miss having to put water in the toilet every time I need to flush and can’t wait to take a hot shower!

This is me!

Viralhog Grandma Dance GIF - Viralhog GrandmaDance BackPackDance GIFs

My prayers are with the many who are still struggling to get water, repairs, and some even housing. Please donate to give water to local charities if you can.


18 thoughts on “We Have Water!!!!!!!

  1. It may no longer be prudent to have each recipient building’s entire electrical delivery relying on external power lines that are too susceptible to various crippling power-outage-causing events (e.g. storms and tectonic shifts)?
    And then there are coronal mass ejections to consider, in which power grids are vulnerable to potentially extensive damage and long-lasting power outages.

    I could really appreciate the liberating effect of having my own independently accessed solar-cell power supply (clear skies permitting, of course), especially considering my/our dangerous reliance on electricity. And it will not require huge land-flooding and potentially collapsing water dams, nor constructing towering wind turbine farms.

    Each building having its own solar-cell-panel power storage/system — at least as an emergency/backup source of power — makes sense (except, of course, to the various big energy corporation CEOs whose concern is dollars-and-cents profit margin).

  2. We’re in Texas, too – Houston area. We were so lucky that we had no water issues. Electric was rolling blackouts for a couple of days. Now, we’re just dreading the electric bill that might come. I hope you all have been able to get the repairs done that you needed. I don’t ever want o see that weather again here!

    1. I don’t know of one off the top but you might see if one of the national ones is helping out. I haven’t heard anything which is quite weird. Maybe the need isn’t as great as you would think. I would like to think that.

      1. I’ll look. I just want to know the money is actually making it to those in need. I’m glad things are “somewhat” returning to normal. Though my heart continues to hurt for those who have lost so much. Take care my love ❤️

        1. The best way to find the real information o a charity is to go to Charity Navigator, make sure the charity gives 85% or more of the money to the people or things they serve. You would be surprised by the number of huge name charities that only give 15% of the money to these in need.

          1. Smart girl. That’s precisely why I asked 😉. Some of the biggest ones, that most all people give to, are the worst offenders! 90% of the proceeds go to the salaries of their CEOs and Execs. Hmph.
            Okay, I’ll look up Charity Navigator! Thanks for the tip! I obviously want my money to go to those who need it!!

  3. What an absolute nightmare. Nature can be beautiful but also incredibly damaging, and it sounds like many in Texas have faced a lot of destruction recently. I’m so glad you’ve got water back – hurrah! I bet the hot showers you take this week will be absolutely incredible! xx

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