Men & Womens Health

Covenant House Keeps Homeless Kids Off The Streets

Help us get homeless kids off the streets. Your action on Change showed sex trafficking victims that they are not alone. In fact, they have an important new ally. Some experts estimate that every year, 100,000 children — many of whom are homeless — are forced into prostitution in the United States. They have lived… Continue reading Covenant House Keeps Homeless Kids Off The Streets

Men & Womens Health

DA Fred Bright Responds To 14 year Old Charged With Prostitution

Response from DA Fred Bright April Childs Watkinsville, GA Jan 26, 2015 — Here is the response from DA Fred Bright concerning this case. "We fully recognize that the 14-year-old child involved is a victim. Our office does not arrest individuals and was not consulted about the case initially. From the time we first received… Continue reading DA Fred Bright Responds To 14 year Old Charged With Prostitution


Senate Approves VA Committee Clay Hunt Act *WP helped make this happen*

Senate VA Committee Approves Clay Hunt Act! Share Our Petition! Anthony Pike with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Jan 27, 2015 — Last week the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee unanimously approved the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans (SAV) Act as its first legislative action of the 114th Congress. Now we're headed to… Continue reading Senate Approves VA Committee Clay Hunt Act *WP helped make this happen*

Men & Womens Health

New NO MORE PSA Running During Super Bowl This Sunday

NO MORE Friend, It's only been a couple days since we shared the exciting news that a new NO MORE PSA is running during the Super Bowl this Su‌nday, and there's already been a huge positive response. "How can I help?" This is probably the question YOU'RE going to get while you're watching the game… Continue reading New NO MORE PSA Running During Super Bowl This Sunday

Men & Womens Health

Mother leaves 8 year old at county hospital *Reposted from June 2014*

It's interesting the events our mind suppresses or forgets. I have no problem or emotion talking about the physical and emotional abuse at the hands of my mother and step father. I have disassociated memories of sexual abuse by my father. I know it. My therapist and I have talked about it, she doesn't push… Continue reading Mother leaves 8 year old at county hospital *Reposted from June 2014*

Celebrate Life · Fun · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health · Moving Forward

Very Inspiring Blogger Award From My Inspiration Alygeorges

Alygoeres describes herself as: I’m a free spirit, unbounded by any rules… but I do believe in RESPECTING ALL. I’ve been through so much in life, and I have reason to believe that there are many more people out there who have sailed in the same boat as I. It’s for that profound reason that… Continue reading Very Inspiring Blogger Award From My Inspiration Alygeorges

Men & Womens Health

Stop Prison Abuse *Investigate Florida Prison In Darren Rainey’s Death* Petition Please read the original petition. I wanted to cry and vomit reading how Darren was brutally murdered. How can two prison guards ignore Darren Rainey beg for his life? Original Petition . The prison and two prison guards have not faced charges for the death of Darren Rainey. Please support our new petition Steven… Continue reading Stop Prison Abuse *Investigate Florida Prison In Darren Rainey’s Death*

Men & Womens Health

Stop Prison Abuse *Investigate Florida Prison In Darren Rainey's Death* Petition Please read the original petition. I wanted to cry and vomit reading how Darren was brutally murdered. How can two prison guards ignore Darren Rainey beg for his life? Original Petition . The prison and two prison guards have not faced charges for the death of Darren Rainey. Please support our new petition Steven… Continue reading Stop Prison Abuse *Investigate Florida Prison In Darren Rainey's Death*