
Why we MUST end victim-blaming in domestic violence

Meet my dear friend Avalanche of the Soul. She is one of the strongest Advocates against Sexual/Domestic Abuse. Her heart is made of gold and has helped so many with questions over the years. Please do yourself a favor and spend time reading the wealth of knowledge on her sight. XO Warrior

Avalanche of the soul

Domestic violence is a global epidemic impacting more women than war and cancer combined. Yet misinformation and misconceptions are actively fuelling this injustice. If we’re to eradicate domestic violence, we must first end victim-blaming. Here’s why.

We like to imagine that the world has grown more enlightened about domestic violence. It is no longer legal – in many countries, at least – for a man to beat or rape his wife. Some nations, such as the UK, have gone one step further in pushing to make psychological and emotional abuse (coercive control) a criminal offence. We live in a time in which there is unprecedented awareness of domestic violence / abuse and arguably greater social rejection of this devastating crime than ever before.

Yet domestic violence remains a global epidemic, present in every culture and community worldwide:

  • Women aged 15-44 are more at risk from domestic violence and rape than…

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Men & Womens Health

Tell Congress no more restraint and seclusion for students with disabilities

Tell Congress to Support Accountability for Students with Disabilities! The Senate has introduced a bipartisan bill to rewrite the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (also known as No Child Left Behind). The bill includes important provisions that support students with disabilities, but does not go far enough to assure accountability for student outcomes. The final… Continue reading Tell Congress no more restraint and seclusion for students with disabilities

Men & Womens Health

Documentary The Hunting Ground takes a deep look at RAPE on college campuses

JOYFUL HEART FOUNDATION  Friend, It was always having a heart-to-heart with one or maybe two other people at a time, sitting on a bathroom sink or on a stoop. This was how I had shared my story up until 2013, when I took a deep breath and, for the first time, recounted my sexual assault—and… Continue reading Documentary The Hunting Ground takes a deep look at RAPE on college campuses

Moving Forward

Throw Back Thursday *Giving you crazy from my heart*

This week the songs are completely different, not even throw backs. I leave Sunday for appointment in DC with new Lyme Doctor on Tuesday morning. Being without a doctor for months now was brining me down. Meeting one of the top Lyme experts, makes me happy. The second song may surprise you, it did me.Kid… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday *Giving you crazy from my heart*

Moving Forward

Throw Back Thursday *Musical Poet Jackson Browne*

The first time I heard Jackson Browne sing, he was speaking to my heart. He's words like poetry of situations in life I understood. In each song a line or two I couldn't get out of head. I hope you enjoy this week's picks. For me Jackson Browne is best enjoyed with lights out, candles… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday *Musical Poet Jackson Browne*