Men & Womens Health

Throw Back Thursday * Mashup Of Great Tunes *

I have many emotions playing bumper cars today. The music is a great pick, maybe YOUR song. I would say it's a mashup of good tunes. This is a good night for sitting on porch or in hot tub. Grab the drink of your choice, maybe three and let the music move you. I take… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday * Mashup Of Great Tunes *

Celebrate Life

Site issues resolved…Stop by, see what’s going on

  Thirsty Bee in Texas heat Hello friends I apologize for the hassle finding me the past week. My cognition issues from Lyme and WP throw you to the fire method of support, changes didn't go well. Yesterday I took settings back to where everything worked. Fingers crossed.  Thank you for reading and following my blog,… Continue reading Site issues resolved…Stop by, see what’s going on

Celebrate Life

Site issues resolved…Stop by, see what's going on

  Thirsty Bee in Texas heat Hello friends I apologize for the hassle finding me the past week. My cognition issues from Lyme and WP throw you to the fire method of support, changes didn't go well. Yesterday I took settings back to where everything worked. Fingers crossed.  Thank you for reading and following my blog,… Continue reading Site issues resolved…Stop by, see what's going on

Men & Womens Health

Survivors Blog Here Welcome’s Casey Alexander to our team

Survivors Blog Here is breaking out the cupcakes and sparklers. We might even do the Snoopy Dance. Why you ask? We are thrilled to announce Casey Alexander from blog Adoption,  has joined our team. Casey brings you along on her journey of adopting two children, short stories and shares her other  interest. You will laugh and… Continue reading Survivors Blog Here Welcome’s Casey Alexander to our team

Men & Womens Health

Survivors Blog Here Welcome's Casey Alexander to our team

Survivors Blog Here is breaking out the cupcakes and sparklers. We might even do the Snoopy Dance. Why you ask? We are thrilled to announce Casey Alexander from blog Adoption,  has joined our team. Casey brings you along on her journey of adopting two children, short stories and shares her other  interest. You will laugh and… Continue reading Survivors Blog Here Welcome's Casey Alexander to our team

Celebrate Life

Throw Back Thursday * New tune by Adam Levine

Sorry for the delay in posting, I'm in DC for doctors appotment. I picked virus on MAC has a virus that's stubborn. From what ""David can see the virus in propagated in music video off Be care full. but will surely like. Get your dancing shoes one. I hope you enjoy, I'll update everyone on my… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday * New tune by Adam Levine

Men & Womens Health

Electro Convulsive Therapy *Perspective after 20 Treatments*

I've had 27+ ECT treatments. The treatments are necessary when I hit bottom becoming delusional and suicidal. I hope to shine a light on ECT and dispel the myths. Please keep an open mind, the procedure may save your life. In my experience, a Psychiatric facility associated with a respected hospital is far superior to… Continue reading Electro Convulsive Therapy *Perspective after 20 Treatments*