Men & Womens Health

Happy Birthday Gramps, Thank you for the lessons you instilled in me

A few sayings Gramps used to teach me about life

If you’re going to be late for work, no need to go in. Always be on time.

Nothing good happens after 9:00 PM. If he can’t be here by then, you’re not going.

No phones calls after 9:00 PM.

You will be home by curfew, if you can’t I better get a phone call.

You’re accountable for yourself.

There are no free rides.

Be honest, you will only have to tell one story.

You can do anything you want. If you want to be Miss America, you can.

Every boyfriend had to meet gramps.

Respect yourself and others.

Happy Birthday, see you soon. I think of gramps everyday. One of our last memories was trying to feed you left-handed. We laughed so hard. He wished everyone left this life happy, great memories and someone to look forward seeing. Gramps looked forward to hugging granny. You and granny changed my life, saved my life and gave me the best life.

XO  Melinda

8 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Gramps, Thank you for the lessons you instilled in me

    1. Hi Sheldon
      Thank you for stopping by. My grandmother loved me unconditionally. Not many in life can we say that about. Sorry I haven’t been by lately, my health conditions continue to get worse. It will get worse but won’t hold me down.
      Take care.

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