Moving Forward · Survivor

Story of my Life: Guest Margie Lakefield

Guest Margie Lakefield shares the trauma of Postpartum Psychosis in a multi series post. I read Margie's post in tears, feeling empathy, above all I knew she was a strong woman. A woman who made tough decisions for the better of her children's future.  Her story touched me deeply, I had to meet her. We worked… Continue reading Story of my Life: Guest Margie Lakefield

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Happy 96th Birthday Granny, This Day Celebrates Your Life

Granny today is a special day. Today is your 96th Birthday, time for a well deserved Big Party. Gramps cooking of the grill, everyone lining up for the brisket. I attend to your needs and help you around to socialize and know when the conversation ran dry. Let's go all out, it's just money, money… Continue reading Happy 96th Birthday Granny, This Day Celebrates Your Life

Celebrate Life · Moving Forward · Survivor

Throw Back Thursday *Bay, Bay and Bay*

Do you see the resemblance in style or sound of the Bay Brothers, my buddies assure me they are brothers. I followed James Bay and team so long, I'm a member of TeamBay. I love seeing my name on Tweets. This is far better than the Donny Osmond Fan Club. James Arthur found success with his… Continue reading Throw Back Thursday *Bay, Bay and Bay*

Moving Forward

Everyone Suffers in Abusive Household

Original post 3/2014 Everyone suffers in an abusive environment. Our house was always in chaos. An alcoholic stepfather who abused my mother and a mother who abused her daughter. There were three other children in the house who saw the abuse, heard the screams and threats. I used to think the victim was the only… Continue reading Everyone Suffers in Abusive Household

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Ketamine? *Cure for Depression* ?

The Mental Health Community is preparing for additional Clinical Trails on Ketamine in hopes of finding a cure for Mental Illness. If Ketamine isn't a cure, I'll welcome a leap forward in medication management.   Xx  M

Men & Womens Health · Mental Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

Postpartum Psychosis by Guest Margie Lackfield

Postpartum depression accompanied by Psychosis This is not a war to win. It cages a soul and will not allow reason of any kind. I prayed, I begged and I pleaded. You can have me, but you cannot have my daughter. On this particular morning I thought I’d heard a knock at my front door,… Continue reading Postpartum Psychosis by Guest Margie Lackfield

Moving Forward

Throw Back Thursday *Gwen,Gwen, more Gwen.

Hope everyone received a surprise on your list. I received great feedback on providing more information in the future. I can probably do a few artist but it's a small list. side you might not know to continue the Artist played here in Thursday. Have a great weekend, some areas are getting snow.  … Continue reading Throw Back Thursday *Gwen,Gwen, more Gwen.

Moving Forward

CDC Provides School Violence Resources

A Division of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention Injury Prevention & Control : Division of Violence Prevention Published August 2016 Resource links updated August 2016 Edwin R. Gerler, Ed.D., North Carolina State University In the United States, an estimated 50 million students are enrolled in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Another 15 million students… Continue reading CDC Provides School Violence Resources