Moving Forward · Survivor

I keep Moving Forward: *Not allowing My past to Chart the Future*

"If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be."    Maya Angelo I am a Survivor My grandparents unconditional love pulled me from the abyss. After years of Therapy, I have a clear heart, no anger or self loathing. Not forgiving....forgetting, to allow myself to move forward. Over the… Continue reading I keep Moving Forward: *Not allowing My past to Chart the Future*

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

Vivid Memory #2 Guest Margie Lakefield

Vivid Memory #2 Continued WHERE IN HELL IS THAT FAMILY OF MINE? ARE THEY EATING PRIME RIB AND CELEBRATING? I’LL BET THEY ARE. THEY HAVE THE EASY PART IN ALL OF THIS. THEIR THEATER TICKET OFFERS A FREE DRINK AND REFRESHMENTS…while I stroll through hell… The little girl dances into my world after midnight. Drug… Continue reading Vivid Memory #2 Guest Margie Lakefield

Moving Forward

Howard school staff, mental health experts weigh in on suicide depiction in Netflix series

Andrew Michaels Contact Reporter Howard County Times The Netflix hit series "13 Reasons Why" has the Howard County school system, and schools in neighboring counties, warning parents about the show's graphic depictions of teen suicide, rape and bullying. At the same time, many are saying the show opens a doorway into conversations on suicide and other "uncomfortable"… Continue reading Howard school staff, mental health experts weigh in on suicide depiction in Netflix series

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Training To *LGBT Aging Resources*

Minneapolis ranks 4th among U.S. cities in percentage of gay, lesbian and bisexual residents. Approximately 12.5% of Minneapolis identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual. Transgender was not a category in analysis. (UCLA School of Law's Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law & Public Policy) There are an estimated 48,000 LGBT older adults living in Minnesota.… Continue reading Training To *LGBT Aging Resources*

Moving Forward · Survivor

I Salute Men & Women fighting in Combat & War on Homefront- Today & Yesterday for American Freedom

Home of the Free Sending prayers to family and friends for their loss of loved ones serving the Military.Daily I'm reminded of the sacrifices made to defend the freedoms we enjoy today in America. I pray every soldier comes home soon. Gramps, I'll never forget the sacrifices you made to win WWII. I love you. Xx… Continue reading I Salute Men & Women fighting in Combat & War on Homefront- Today & Yesterday for American Freedom

Fun · Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday*From Reguest Line*

Today's awesome tunes requested by good friend Charly Priest. He may have a rough exterior at times, he's made of sugar. Leave request in my comments box for next weeks entertainment.  Get ready for a musical treat. 🙂 M 3 tunes that I like in different times during the day 1 – in the morning… Continue reading Triple Shot Thursday*From Reguest Line*

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

A Vivid Memory #1 By Guest Margie Lakefield

5/22/2017 "A Vivid Memory" This may take me all of today and well into the night. I had written in an earlier post that I would revisit something. I made a special promise to my oldest daughter. And today is the day I fulfill that promise. It began the day that she was born. …… Continue reading A Vivid Memory #1 By Guest Margie Lakefield