Moving Forward

7 Smart Ways To Use Technology In Classrooms Sep 13, 2017 / Hailey Reissman Elementary school teacher Kayla Delzer’s students tweet, post on Instagram and watch YouTube in class. Here’s why she thinks all kids should do the same. Many schools and teachers have an uneasy relationship with technology: they decry its power to distract young people but see it as a… Continue reading 7 Smart Ways To Use Technology In Classrooms

Moving Forward Petition: Equifax Breach IMPORTANT PETITION   Regardless of where or when a data breach occurs, it leaves people feeling powerless and helpless; confused and angry.  The ITRC has been tracking data breaches for more than a decadeand we hear from the victims of these breaches on a near-daily basis. Breaches of really sensitive personal information like social… Continue reading Petition: Equifax Breach

Celebrate Life · Moving Forward · Survivor

Lesbian Couple Takes Pulpit at Historic Baptist Church

Lesbian Couple Takes Pulpit at Historic Baptist Church Posted on April 13, 2017 by Universal Life Church Monastery A historic Washington D.C. church has taken a gigantic step by appointing its first lesbian couple to partner-lead the congregation. The Calvary Baptist Church will now be led by Sally Sarratt and Maria Swearingen, two women who… Continue reading Lesbian Couple Takes Pulpit at Historic Baptist Church

Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Church of England Embraces Transgender Members

Posted on July, 2017 by Universal Life Church Monastery The Church of England has voted to welcome transgender individuals into the church with open arms. By an overwhelming margin, the church’s governing body (known as the General Synod) chose to support transgender inclusion. It was a historic decision for a religious institution that for centuries… Continue reading Church of England Embraces Transgender Members

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Why are Books Banned or Burned?

At the end of September, libraries and bookstores everywhere will be celebrating “Banned Books Week.” This got us thinking: why do people ban books (or, in extreme cases, burn them)? Literature is such a fundamental part of human life, and yet time and time again throughout history there have been concerted efforts to suppress or… Continue reading Why are Books Banned or Burned?