Men & Womens Health First Million Projects is an awesome Charity that supports teachers projects. Bill & Melinda Gates often provide matching funds for projects. Please check out their website, the accomplishment of a MILLION teacher projects funded is mind-blowing. I personally  give to underserved with Learning Disabilities. You pick a project that tugs on your heart. Today only all funds… Continue reading First Million Projects

Moving Forward

Maybe it’s borderline — Re-blog from to aspie or not to aspie

Very interesting post you can’t pass up. Check out her site. M

My Anxiety Matters

I imagine this headline sung to the same tune as that age old Maybelline advert. Although I’m writing a lot about autism on this blog, I haven’t had my assessment yet and I still sometimes find myself analysing my symptoms and the equation coming back with borderline personality disorder or bipolar. Sometimes I’m so, so […]

Such a relatable and interesting post from To Aspie or Not to Aspie. Give it a read and follow her too. (Post here Maybe it’s borderline — to aspie or not to aspie)

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Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Survivor

Survivors Blog Here Welcomes Heidi Sullivan from Braving Mental Illness

Survivors Blog Here is thrilled to announce Heidi Sullivan is our newest Contributor. Heidi is inspirational and committed to helping people with Mental Health challenges. Please stop by to meet Heidi and check out her personal site I took the below information from Heidi's ''About Me"page. She is so committed to share, help and answer… Continue reading Survivors Blog Here Welcomes Heidi Sullivan from Braving Mental Illness

Moving Forward

I Am a Kid and Something Happened

Presented by RAINN I Am a Kid and Something Happened Tell Someone. If somebody touches you in a way you don't like or touches an area covered by a bathing suit, tell someone you trust. Say no. If somebody wants to hug you, kiss you, or touch your body, you can always tell them no. It's not… Continue reading I Am a Kid and Something Happened

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

RAINN: Stalking Awareness Month

  Stalking When you learn more about stalking behaviors, you're more likely to notice them before they escalate, and you can take steps to protect yourself. If you discover you are being stalked—either in-person, online, or via technology—it can be unsettling and even dangerous. Consider taking steps to protect yourself or involve an authority figure… Continue reading RAINN: Stalking Awareness Month