Celebrate Life

Special Times to Fly Your American Flag

Honor Our Flag is written with the assistance of the National Flag Foundation to ensure the accuracy of the content. These are special days beyond flying every day. New Year's Day, January 1 Martin Luther King's Birthday, (third Monday in January) Inauguration Day, January 20th Lincoln's Birthday, February 12th Washing's Birthday, February 22nd Presidents Day, (third… Continue reading Special Times to Fly Your American Flag

Celebrate Life

Honor Thy Flag, How to Fly Flag Properly

I hope many of you are flying your flags high and proudly. Celebrating with friends of family or visiting the grave of a loved one. I bought this little book years are for my husband. Frankly, I didn't know flying a flag had rules. I'm only going to share a glimpse of the book. To… Continue reading Honor Thy Flag, How to Fly Flag Properly

Men & Womens Health

Lyme Progress #4 *Photos*

Original post 5/23/2018 Reposted for The Fibromyalgia Directory.  It's summertime, ticks and insects carrying tick born illnesses are worse than last year. Practice all precautions if out in tall grass, tall scrubs or trees. I'm dealing with in Dementia, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, Lyme Arthritis, Cognitive issues, PAIN, falling, PAIN and pain medicines. There are days you… Continue reading Lyme Progress #4 *Photos*