Moving Forward

[Wellness Wednesday] 10 Things You Can Do To Stay Well Through Cold And Flu Season — Reclaiming HOPE

Welcome back to Wellness Wednesday everyone! This week I’d like to talk about increasing our chances of staying well during cold and flu season. Okay, I can hear you groaning already….. I know we’ve heard it all before, but the reports I’ve seen on the news have been that 80,000 people died from flu or […]… Continue reading [Wellness Wednesday] 10 Things You Can Do To Stay Well Through Cold And Flu Season — Reclaiming HOPE

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

On This Day October 18, 2018

On this day October 18, 2018   I thought about you, how awesome you are, how you help me even on your worst days. Thank you for offering support, the kindest comments and honesty. You've made a positive impact on my life and attitude. Thank you for following me, sharing your life, sharing your story,… Continue reading On This Day October 18, 2018

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Get your Money for Nothing

If you've watched daytime television you've heard every get rich quick scheme, start your own business and make $3,000 this month.........I'm getting off track. I enjoy making money! I keep it simple by making money on purchases I'm already making. There are tons of apps that do coupons, check prices and anything imaginable if you… Continue reading Get your Money for Nothing

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Let’s Smile Thursday

I've struggled with a deep depression since the start of the year, comedy provides relief and Robin Williams always makes me smile. I know he understood and helped many people have open conversations about their depression. This video is a forgotten treasure, it's the first time Robin went on The Tonight Show. I  hope your… Continue reading Let’s Smile Thursday

Celebrate Life

This Day In History October 10th

1956  James Dean's final film debuts posthumously The drama starring Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, and James Deandebuts, telling the tumultuous story of a Texas ranching family. It marks Dean's third and final big-screen role, as he had died in a car accident a year earlier after completing work on the film. 1957 Fire at England's… Continue reading This Day In History October 10th

Moving Forward

Lyme Disease, Multiple Sclerosis or Something Else?

Anyone on the Lyme or MS hamster wheel must read her post. So many bloggers can relate to her frustration.

Pride IN Justice

What is Lyme disease? If you are anything like I was. You know little about the disease other than it is usually spread by the bite of a tick.

What is Multiple Sclerosis? The name means Several scars. When most people think of multiple Sclerosis they think of people who are wheelchair bound. Possibly, you are visiting this page in hopes of sorting out some of the confusion surrounding both diseases which mimic each other. I am NOT an expert by no means but in having symptoms and being tested over the past few months I have spent countless hours researching and learning as much as I can. Here is what I know to date…..

Let’s start with Lyme disease. Lyme disease is more commonly transmitted by the bite of a tick, but some say it can be transmitted by other insects and animals such as mosquitos, spiders, mice etc…

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