Moving Forward

Holy Cow! — Guest Blogger a Scarlet D

Had a maintenance ECT session today and it was a whopper! Dizzy and woozy all day, slept for hours and hours. Still not quite steady on my feet. It hasn’t been going very well recently, so we’re going to stick with a two week repetition for the maintenance sessions. Saw my psychologist for the last […]Holy… Continue reading Holy Cow! — Guest Blogger a Scarlet D

Moving Forward

Conquering an Invisible Disability — Guest Blogger Shedding Light on Mental Health

From the moment I stepped into a psychiatric hospital during Christmas 2008 I knew I had a very long journey ahead of me. I had no idea the additional challenges that would unfold. I couldn’t have imagined how much my life could have been turned upside down. Untreated and under treated serious mental illness is […]Conquering… Continue reading Conquering an Invisible Disability — Guest Blogger Shedding Light on Mental Health

Men & Womens Health

Powering Down at Night Time

Great suggestions from Willow and Sage by Stamptington Simple Sleep Remedies Set a consistent sleeping schedule. Going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day helps regulate your internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and get up in the morning refreshed. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, but stop… Continue reading Powering Down at Night Time

Fun · Health and Wellbeing

Easy To Make Soothing Bath Salts *Great For Chronic Pain and Holiday Gift*

Willow and Sage by Stampington Great for people who suffer from chronic pain. For an additional benefit add apple cider vinegar to water when running the bath. You Will Need 4 cups Epsom salt 1/2 cup sea salt (optional) 25-30 drops of essential oils 3/4 cup baking soda Large Bowl Airtight containers To Make Mix… Continue reading Easy To Make Soothing Bath Salts *Great For Chronic Pain and Holiday Gift*

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Gluten-Free Salmon with Lime and Sesame Seeds Great for the Season

Gluten-Freedom by Alessio Fasano, MD with Susie Flaherty   Ingredients: 1 1/2 to 2 pounds salmon (wild-caught preferred with skin on) Juice from 2-3 limes Olive Oil Sesame Seeds Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and coat very lightly with olive oil. Place salmon, skin side down, on parchment paper… Continue reading Gluten-Free Salmon with Lime and Sesame Seeds Great for the Season

Moving Forward

Need the full picture AGAIN — Guest Blogger A Dad trying to cope with the loss of his Partner and becoming a single parent.

It’s difficult to work if you only have part of the picture. This is so true of dyslexia. A few days back we explored how difficult it is for a child with dyslexia to answer school questions without help. A help which is often absent. Our son is dyslexic. He has found a way of […]Need… Continue reading Need the full picture AGAIN — Guest Blogger A Dad trying to cope with the loss of his Partner and becoming a single parent.