Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

What’s a nursing home combined with a childcare center? A hopeful model for the future of aging

IDEAS.TED.COM Mar 14, 2019 / Marc Freedman iStock Imagine a place for the elderly that’s also filled with the sounds of kids playing. Marc Freedman goes to Singapore to investigate a new model for intergenerational living. Sister Geraldine Tan, an energetic woman in her 60s, speaks rapidly and is given to sweeping gestures. She wears the flowing… Continue reading What’s a nursing home combined with a childcare center? A hopeful model for the future of aging

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Celebrate International Friendship Day

I think this is the greatest idea because where would be in life without friends? I was pretty much a loner growing up but did always have one or two close friends I could talk with and share my problems and dreams with. We have more contact via the Internet and social media today which… Continue reading Celebrate International Friendship Day

Celebrate Life · Fun

#Weekend Music Share *The One and Only Roy Orbison in Pretty Woman It's the weekend!!!!!! I'm so glad you've joined me this week for another edition of Weekend Music Share.       Welcome back to Weekend Music Share; the place where everyone can share their favorite music. Feel free to use the ‘Weekend Music Share‘ banner in your post, and don’t forget… Continue reading #Weekend Music Share *The One and Only Roy Orbison in Pretty Woman

Celebrate Life · Fun · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Five Ways To Make New Friends

There is nothing scarier as an adult than making friends. It’s not that you’re unable to do it, it’s that it’s far easier to be five years old, pick a buddy and go and play. As an adult, making friends feels like dating. You want to find people with the same ideals as you, and… Continue reading Five Ways To Make New Friends

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

4 Tasks That Can Put Your Head Into A More Positive, Productive Space

In life, we have lots thrown at us. Some of it can be handled, and some of it can take a real toll on us. When things get us down, it can be difficult to pick ourselves up again. Sure, if we have the motivation of looking after a healthy family, then getting out of… Continue reading 4 Tasks That Can Put Your Head Into A More Positive, Productive Space

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

July Chronic Illness Group Writing Prompt UPDATED

It's the time of the month again! Time for Chronic Illness Group Writing Prompts hosted by A Chronic Voice. Be sure and check out Sherly's site, it's full of wisdom, medical knowledge and she's a great host. I've been negligent the past couple of months but hope to get back on track starting this month.… Continue reading July Chronic Illness Group Writing Prompt UPDATED

Health and Wellbeing

My First Post In 2005 – Dementia Induced Thought’s Of Suicide

I looked back at my very first post written as a blogger, the site was different, it was called Defining Memories then but I have published on Look for the Light before. I started Defining Memories to help me mourn my granny. It was a very dark time for me and writing was the perfect… Continue reading My First Post In 2005 – Dementia Induced Thought’s Of Suicide

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Survivor

New About Me Page

I wrote my last About Me page in 2014 and it's was time for a major overhaul. Well, here it is. I'd love to hear feedback or any questions you have. Does this profile give you enough information about me to want to read my blog and follow me or do I need to expand?… Continue reading New About Me Page