Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Chronic Illness and Marriage

When you get married you commit to for better or worse and in sickness and in health. You don't think those two things will happen early in your marriage if you think about them at all. Marriage is full of ups and downs, good and bad, and is very hard at times. When you add… Continue reading Chronic Illness and Marriage

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Addicts and pain meds 1/30 — Guest Blogger The daily addict

This is a tricky topic. But I will share my own experience in this area because it is all that I truly know. Coming into recovery I was taught by those who went before me that to be clean means I cannot take any mind or mood altering substances. IF they are prescribed for me […]Addicts… Continue reading Addicts and pain meds 1/30 — Guest Blogger The daily addict

Celebrate Life · Fun

Today in History January 30, 2022

Welcome to the Weekend Edition of Today in History. I'm so glad you're enjoying the post. Have an awesome weekend. Gandhi assassinated Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the political and spiritual leader of the Indian independence movement, is assassinated in New Delhi by a Hindu extremist. Born the son of an Indian official in 1869, Gandhi’s Vaishnava… Continue reading Today in History January 30, 2022

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Another Anxiety Story — Guest Blogger Webbblogs/Ocd and Me

I have written about anxiety before.  I have even written about some of the things below.  I am writing about it again because I know someone out there has been through it or knows someone that has. Someone out there needs to know they are not alone. The Strange Feeling In My Head Many years […]… Continue reading Another Anxiety Story — Guest Blogger Webbblogs/Ocd and Me

Celebrate Life · Fun

Fun Facts That Will Amaze You

I'm so glad you are enjoying Fun Facts. I learn something new each week, even if it's weird. I love hearing your comments!  The green code in The Matrix was actually created from symbols in the code designer’s wife’s sushi cookbook. (cnet.com) The wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles was watched by 750 million people worldwide… Continue reading Fun Facts That Will Amaze You

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Curried Winter Vegetables — Guest Blogger Micro of the Macro

I learned to make this dish during my travels.  It was at a hostel in Moab, Utah, where I first had a Thai curry so tasty that I decided I had to learn to make it myself.  It took me several attempts, but I managed to create one that hit all the right notes.  My […]Curried… Continue reading Curried Winter Vegetables — Guest Blogger Micro of the Macro

Celebrate Life · Fun

#Weekend Music Share *Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Bono and others — “Let It Be” (Live)

 Original Video https://youtu.be/1LMSOfs10mA https://youtu.be/NXYNPO3zIj8 Welcome back to Weekend Music Share; the place where everyone can share their favorite music. Feel free to use the ‘Weekend Music Share‘ banner in your post, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #WeekendMusicShare on social media so other participants can find your post. Melinda

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Grief Journaling Prompts Guest Blogger Don’t Lose Hope

Don't Lose Hope

There are losses that rearrange the world. Deaths that change the way you see everything. Grief that tears everything down. Pain that transports you to an entirely different universe, even while everyone else thinks nothing has really changed.” – Megan Devine

Grief and loss come in a multitude of forms. It may be the death of a person you have loved. The end of a meaningful relationship, for you. The loss of a job or the end of a career. A tragic accident or receiving shocking news.

Whatever kind of loss you are grieving for right now, it can help to be real and to process how you feel.

The questions below might help you with this:

1. What losses am I grieving? Who am I grieving for?

2. What is the most difficult time of day, for me?

3. Where in my body do I hold the…

View original post 132 more words

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

No one has the Right to Judge you — Don’t Lose Hope — Guest Blogger Coaching Skills International

“No one has the right to judge you, because no one really knows what you’ve been through. They didn’t feel what you felt in your heart.” Keep these words in mind the next time you feel that someone has some view, or opinion about you. – No one has the right to judge you. Absolutely […] […]No… Continue reading No one has the Right to Judge you — Don’t Lose Hope — Guest Blogger Coaching Skills International