Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

I’m having an emotional crisis right now

I was reading more about the three officers who shot a mentally ill woman thru the door. The three officers were fired but an investigation into the entire department needs to take place. What I saw on television, got to me. It brought up the repressed memory of having a non-violent crisis in the front… Continue reading I’m having an emotional crisis right now

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Blogger Highlight-Caffeinated Philosophy

Thank you for all the great feedback on the Blogger Highlight series, I've enjoyed meeting each blogger and sharing their site with you. This week we highlight a new blogger, Caffeinated Philosophy. Caffeinated Philosophy A digital café for lovers of coffee and cognition to congregate and converse A place where I share posts on philosophy,… Continue reading Blogger Highlight-Caffeinated Philosophy

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Are You Mentally Ill? What To Keep On You At All Times

In Texas, we've heard our Governor Greg Abbott say repeatedly that gun control was not the issue, we needed more Mental Health support. Here we are a year after the mass shooting at Uvalde and all we've heard is the same ole politics. I had a Mental Health crisis and ended up with a gun… Continue reading Are You Mentally Ill? What To Keep On You At All Times

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

People Who Have Changed My Life For The Better

Sometimes people walk into our lives and years later you realize the impact they made in your life. In some cases, it hurts more before it gets better. No doubt you have people in your life that have done the same. My grandparent's support goes without saying The 5th grade Music Teacher forced me to… Continue reading People Who Have Changed My Life For The Better

Celebrate Life · Fun · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Fun Facts

  Thanks for stopping by today, I love hearing your comments each week.  Some octopus species lay 56,000 eggs at a time That tiny pocket in jeans was designed to store pocket watches Turkeys can blush Most Disney characters wear gloves to keep animation simple Cows don’t have upper front teeth Melinda Reference: Readers Digest… Continue reading Fun Facts

Celebrate Life · Fun

#Weekend Music Share with *John Mayer – Waiting On the World to Change Awesome Tune! It's the weekend!!!!!! I'm so glad you've joined me this week for another edition of Weekend Music Share. Have a great weekend! Melinda Welcome back to Weekend Music Share; the place where everyone can share their favorite music. Feel free to use the ‘Weekend Music Share‘ banner in your post, and don’t forget to… Continue reading #Weekend Music Share with *John Mayer – Waiting On the World to Change Awesome Tune!

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Hot and Heavy: The Role of a Clean Office in Promoting Employee Health

Are you tired of feeling stuffy and unproductive at work? Do you find yourself constantly sneezing or getting sick in the office? A clean office not only promotes good hygiene but also plays a crucial role in ensuring employee health and safety.  In this blog post, we'll explore how maintaining a tidy workplace can lead… Continue reading Hot and Heavy: The Role of a Clean Office in Promoting Employee Health

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

How To Help Someone In A Mental Health Crisis

People who have a Mental Illness are like you and me, the only difference is instead of having Diabetes, they have wiring problems in the brain. Both have to take their medication or bad things can happen. Unless you know someone who has a Mental Illness you may have a stigma to overcome. It's a… Continue reading How To Help Someone In A Mental Health Crisis

Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health

Looking for the Light Is Celebrating 14 years on WordPress

I first joined WordPress in 2005 with a blog called Defining Memories and in 2014 I started Looking for the Light.  There is no way to thank everyone who has supported me thru the years. I am grateful every time you visit or leave a comment. Looking for the Light is a passion of mine,… Continue reading Looking for the Light Is Celebrating 14 years on WordPress

Men & Womens Health

If You’re Having WordPress Issues, Contact, Contact, And Contact Again

Are you having a problem with your WordPress site you are not alone and if luck you may get the issue fixed. Contact the Happiness Engineers every day, and contact them over and over until your issues are solved. This is a similar post to what I've written about before, it's a new problem that… Continue reading If You’re Having WordPress Issues, Contact, Contact, And Contact Again