Celebrate Life · Fun · Men & Womens Health

Good Times on the Highway to Hell Part 5

More Antics On My Journey In Life

I vomited in my new Land Rover on the way home from work. I could not pull over fast enough, vomit was everywhere and I didn’t have a napkin. Once I arrived home, the clean-up began. It was getting late and stopped only to find I had locked myself out of the house. I was living in a new neighborhood and only had three neighbors. I found a light on and asked if I could borrow a phone book, and she said yes.  Bet I smelled bad and this was the first time I met her. Even after a professional cleaning it smelled and I traded it for something else.


Photo by picjumbo.com on Pexels.com


My friends and I went to dinner to celebrate my 33rd birthday. Out of the blue, I decided to get a tattoo and a belly button ring. Several of us drove to a bad part of town because they wanted to watch me get the tattoo. Thank goodness I was drunk, they said on the sign not to be drunk but at that age, I was on top of the world.

FYI, the belly button piercing hurt so bad, like your guts were being pulled out. After six months of babying the spot, it would not heal and I took it out.

My gramps had Prostate and Bladder Cancer, the two pushing against each other caused him to have to pee about every 10-15 minutes. My cousin was in a small plane crash and was in really bad shape, Gramps had to go see him. The problem was the hospital was 1.5 hours away. Knowing that we would be stopping along the way I took an empty Gatorade bottle for emergencies. I’m flying down the highway close to 100 miles an hour and Gramps says I have to pee now! I had to push the accelerator all the way down to find an exit. I was Speed Racer! I found a spot and he peed in the bottle. It wasn’t funny at the time but it sure is now.


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