Men & Womens Health

Test Post for WordPress

I’ve been in heavy conversation with WordPress since 5/11/23 when they started on the Oh-So important Reblog changes. I hope this last post will give me the answer I need and no longer have to spend hours a day communicating with WordPress.

Thank you for hanging in while I work out my problems with WordPress.

I pray they get the sytem bugs worked out and then leave the process alone.


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

9 thoughts on “Test Post for WordPress

  1. I’m having issues with my WP too. My followers are no longer receiving email notifications when I publish new posts. I have been talking them for two weeks now and they still haven’t even admitted to the issue let alone resolved it.

    1. Send an email to the Happiness Engineers/Help Desk. Detail everything that is or has been going on. In the Subject section put YAN’s name. He was the one who helped me the most. The problem is with how WP manages its programing not with the Happiness Engineers, they are 75% good. Make sure to share you are in Canada, which shows WP they have an International problem, huge problems.

      WP is so poorly managed! Good luck. If you still get no help, write a post spelling out all of the problems you have. Then write the Headline WordPress name. I have written several since 5/11/23. Let me know if your problems get fixed. I got a good response when I used Yan’s name.

      I am so angry at WP about the bugs that have come about of the SO IMPORTANT Reblog makeover. If I had the energy, way too sick but in my younger days I would rally Bloggers to boycott WP on a certain day.

      1. Thanks so much, I really appreciate the help and advice. I will keep that in mind and ask for Yan if I don’t hear back from them.

        Yes, WP is extremely mismanaged. And their customer care is atrocious. I am so disappointed. Instead of improving they’re making it worse.

I enjoy hearing your thoughts, feedback or ideas, please comment.