Men & Womens Health

If You’re Having WordPress Issues, Contact, Contact, And Contact Again

Are you having a problem with your WordPress site you are not alone and if luck you may get the issue fixed. Contact the Happiness Engineers every day, and contact them over and over until your issues are solved.

This is a similar post to what I’ve written about before, it’s a new problem that showed up yesterday. This is why Fortune 500 companies use the best practices for programmers by doing changes and updates offline. When programming is done live in the working with core systems, a fiasco continues almost daily.

My beef started on 5/11/2023 when the programmers jump in to make a change to the Reblog Sytems changes, I’ve had so many issues with bugs in the system, bugs that pop up before the original question I get answered.

WordPress has a bad reputation and I may have to share some articles with media and social media to see if WP gets the point.

I don’t want to leave WP, I want them to do their job, in a high-quality manner that services Bloggers.


15 thoughts on “If You’re Having WordPress Issues, Contact, Contact, And Contact Again

    1. You first go under upgrades right under your stats. Then you look at My Plan, and once you do that you will see how to contact them. They are MIA this week, I have an email that is 8 days old that hasn’t been answered and the chat as been down all week. Good luck.

      1. I think they should notify the users when they are having technical problems. This blog is a serious job for many people. I’m thinking of cancelling my plans! They are not treating me well.

        1. They don’t treat people well, decisions make changes and never tell anyone. Just like now, they have been out of touch for over a week. What the hell does that mean? Where the hell are they, why isn’t anyone able to do a chat. Another disappearing act and no notice to bloggers. It’s frustrating as hell. You have to decide that blogging is more important than their shortcomings. It’s very hard to do some days. 🙂

    1. The Happiness Engineers and the Systems Engineers don’t communicate with one another. So they are flying blind when a project with bugs in it get’s rolled out. Persistence is the key for me. Once you contact HE’s you’ll receive an email, I keep using email to communicate with them. Have a great day.

  1. I have activated and paid for a plug-in called “headline” and I believe that’s the correct name. I have added other plugins for free. Last year I paid for SEO boost. However, I thought these things would work automatically and they do not. What am I doing wrong or what do I need to do to optimize my site?

    1. I just want to scream as loud as I can at them. I’ve been on emails with them this morning because a new problem showed up yesterday. I’m on a Premuin Plan that only allows a few plug-ins. Only higher level or Business allows for all the plug-ins. Thanks.

    2. The plugins don’t work automatically. Usually, you have to activate them, make some changes to settings etc. It’s best to read up on how to use the plugins as almost no plugin works automatically.

      1. My understanding is only accounts above the Business account plan can use plug-ins. I have a Premium account and the choice of plug in’s is minuscule. Remember what you change in case you need to change back. Have a great day.

        1. Yes, only Business plans and above have access to plugins. But even with the Business Plan, you need to activate a lot of plugins after installing and for some you have to do even more stuff. Thanks and have a great day too.

I enjoy hearing your thoughts, feedback or ideas, please comment.