Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

How To Help Someone In A Mental Health Crisis

People who have a Mental Illness are like you and me, the only difference is instead of having Diabetes, they have wiring problems in the brain. Both have to take their medication or bad things can happen. Unless you know someone who has a Mental Illness you may have a stigma to overcome.

It’s a difficult time for people who have severe mental illness due to stigma and the ongoing hate in our country. Mental Illness is often overdramatized by television, nightly news, and trash rags, and Social Media is the worst.

There are many factors to consider when deciding to help a person during a Mental Health crisis. You can have the biggest heart in the world but your safety has to come first. If someone looks out of control, you can’t rush in and make the situation worst. You will have to help from afar.

The first step I would take if I saw someone acting, out of control, psychotic, delusional, talking to themself loudly, yelling out at people walking by, and maybe self-harm. against themselves, to name a few. I would call the police in the area, walk away and come back by to see they’re gone.

We want to help but we have to think about ourselves and our families. This is also a good read for teens that may find themself in a position to help. The way we can help reduce stigma is to learn the basics of Mental Health.

Even on medication or several medications people with severe mental illnesses, medications can stop working, some people will not take their medication and others have a more serious crisis. In an ideal world, we could easily find urgent  Mental Health support in several areas of the city.

One important note!

If someone is clearly having a crisis or breakdown you can access the situation from afar and CALL POLICE.

If you see someone in need you have a couple of choices. 

Call the police.

Call someone that knows him that can help.

Ask someone in the general area, do they know him or do they have his/her’s phone number. I would go as far as calling the number but would not get involved.

If there is a Mental Health Charity nearby, go there and ask them to help him.

Call the police!!!!!!! I can’t say this enough because the person may not know what they’re doing, have a weapon, steal your purse, steal your phone, and could become violent. I have Treatment-Resistant Bipolar Disorder and have had my own crisis in my front yard with a Police pointing a gun at me.

*Most cities have talked for years about having several officers trained in Mental Health but I can’t say anything has been done.

We have to think hard these days about all people we meet, but if a person is erratic, violent, talking loudly to themselves, or walking in circles, you don’t have the skills to help and may get yourself hurt.

I watch almost nothing but Police, Law, and Spy show, you can imagine what I’ve seen. Television is drama, not real unless it states. When the show Dallas went off the air, I was in shock but quickly my mind settled, this was a nice overly dramatic show, just an escape.

The last thing I want to do is add to the STIGMA of Mental Illness, that goes against who I am. We need more free resources around town to support those in need. If you’re an abled body Advocate, look at the resources available in your town/city. Start relationships with the person by checking in every week, learn from this person where the crisis is happening, and see if you can get a Charity, Corporate or use your own money to build some signs, have a table with information about Mental Illness.

I hear too much disturbing news all day long, and so or our kids. Limiting children’s time on the computer and all social media, I don’t care if they’ve done it one way, You are the boss and the boss is making changes. Have strong settings on the phone, and don’t allow access to Social Media during school or other family functions.

While you are making changes to computer usage, your child might be savvy and try to get a phone. Don’t Do It!

Don’t fall for these B.S. Excuses!

My best friend has one

My bother has one

All the girls in my school have one.

I have to be a to reach my friends

With all the mass shootings in America scaring you as much as me, I would make some exceptions. As these are for school safety only and you can only call, the police, parents, or friends who may be able to help. Don’t allow them to get on the Internet from the phone.

Visit the NAMI for all information on Mental Illness and excellent support systems.

I have a passion for Mental Health Support and America is driving off the rails and leaving people on the streets and no support for their Mental Illness. Now is the time to bring the faces of Mental Illness to the front, and educate children and adults with real content and support services.

I did not say anything about helping someone yourself, when someone’s in a crisis they can get violent. I will never ask anyone to put their life in danger. One nice gesture, if they are calm, stop and get a couple bottles of water and a sandwich.


2 thoughts on “How To Help Someone In A Mental Health Crisis

  1. As the wife of someone with severe mental illness stemming from a Brain Injury, support is vital to the one with MI, Friends that the person can talk to is so important in order to prevent isolation, the correct type of help is also imperative, I fought for many years to get my husband the proper type of Mental Health Care, its ridiculous He was denied even the most basic of care, a Psychiatrist, for 5 Friggin years! all because he is on Medicaid, It took me from 2017 until 2021 to find a Trauma Therapist that deals with TBIs and Traumatic Events and 2022 for him to finally get a psychiatrist,.

    If you are married to a person with mental health issues, find yourself a support group for spouses, its a life saver.

    1. I have Bipolar Disorder and know how important support from my spouse and doctors are needed. If you and your case are because you’re on Medicade and they don’t get paid much. That’s our reality. I’m so glad you both finally got the help you needed.

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