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Are You Mentally Ill? What To Keep On You At All Times

In Texas, we’ve heard our Governor Greg Abbott say repeatedly that gun control was not the issue, we needed more Mental Health support. Here we are a year after the mass shooting at Uvalde and all we’ve heard is the same ole politics.

I had a Mental Health crisis and ended up with a gun pulled on me, very traumatic. I was lucky to be in front of my house and had my phone.

If you have a severe Mental Illness, you never know when you might have a crisis away from home. These tips will help if the Police get involved.

Have a card in your wallet that states:

Your name

What type of Mental Illness do you have

Your contact information or the contact of a family member

Doctors contact information

Wearing a medical bracelet would help since it’s one of the first things Police look for

Why are these tips important so important?

If you have a serious crisis there’s a chance you’re hallucinating, psychotic, or in a state where you are not aware of what you are doing. You’ll probably encounter a Police officer and having the information on you will help Police better understand how to help you.

My personal advice is to never buy a gun or other weapon. You could easily hurt or kill someone if your mind is not stable.


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