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Blogger Highlight-She the bald blogger

Thank you for all the great feedback on the Blogger Highlight series, I’ve enjoyed meeting each blogger and sharing their site with you. This week we highlight a new blogger, She the bald blogger.

She the bald blogger

Hello my fellow readers!!..I’m Anshika from India.I’m 18 and currently pursuing Bachelor’s of science. I love writing, listening to music, art and styling up!!..and my main hobby is to take a lot of stress and crack bad jokes..rofl 🙂

I’ve had struggled with alopecia for 3 years of my life.When i went through extreme hair thinning,dandruff ,oily scalp issues and literally nothing sort of treatment worked for me that’s when i lost my patience and decided to shave my head off. It literally took hell lot of courage and wasn’t as easy as it sounds 😦 .After crying for all day long, finally gathered some strength and decided to open my blog on WordPress. So here I’m to motivate,share my feelings and to change the definition of beauty. There are many people out there who don’t beautiful or confident enough just because of their looks. I want to empower them and help them with their insecurities.

She may be young but she has some great ideas.


Looking for the Light


5 thoughts on “Blogger Highlight-She the bald blogger

  1. Hey there! Stumbled upon your post on the WordPress feed and couldn’t resist saying hello. I’m already hooked and eagerly anticipating more captivating posts. Can’t seem to find the follow button, haha! Guess I’ll have to bookmark your blog instead. But rest assured, I’ll be keeping an eye out for your updates!

    may i leave a link to my blog here? feel free to post a comment on my site and leave your link 🙂 helps both our sites !!
    Hope to see your comment soon 🙂

I enjoy hearing your thoughts, feedback or ideas, please comment.