Celebrate Life · Mental Health · Moving Forward

I Need Your Feedback On Theme


One important thing to consider is if your current theme is retired, does it support the old customization or only supports Block Editor. One frustrating part of picking a new theme, there are very few with a sidebar. Don’t forget all widgets don’t convert and the widgets you have now may not be supported anymore.

There are several widgets left to add to the site but I haven’t figured out which widget button to use. That’s for another Chat with WordPress.

What does it need?

The site, it looks too sterile

I think the logo is too big

Is the font big enough?

Are you having problems loading a page? 

Please take a few minutes to check out my site and provide feedback. I truly appreciate your help.


10 thoughts on “I Need Your Feedback On Theme

  1. I think your header is the perfect size. I’ve had no problems with either the site loading or readability. I’m glad you’re beginning to get to grips with the new theme.

  2. The harmonious interplay of colours in your new theme invites to pause, breathe, and refocus. It is beautiful.

    1. Thank you for the feedback. So far the feedback is positive. I’ve not had a simple theme so it’s taken time to get use to. I finally found a widget to do what I needed so that feels great. Have a great weekend.

I enjoy hearing your thoughts, feedback or ideas, please comment.