Men & Womens Health

WordPress MIA, Can You Help Me?

I have been waiting three days to hear back from WordPress and they are unresponsive. I have one big issue with my site and have spent so much time trying to fix it that I'm going crazy. I want my posts to show as excerpts, not the full post. Maybe the theme doesn't allow for… Continue reading WordPress MIA, Can You Help Me?

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health · Moving Forward

How NOT To Cope with Your Divorce

First off, mad props to you for venturing into the next chapter of your life. Divorce, while super tough, can be the start of something beautiful (like owning the entire bed and never having to share the TV remote!). But, as with anything in life, there’s a right way to handle it and a slew… Continue reading How NOT To Cope with Your Divorce

Mental Health

Another New Theme Under Construction

I need to think hard the next time I have an itch for a new theme. It's what you don't see when choosing a theme is whether will it replicate the widgets and layout you want. My favorite widget on my old site was the community widget, not avail anymore! What I'm still trying to… Continue reading Another New Theme Under Construction

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Blogger Highlight-My Mind Strength

Thank you for all the great feedback on the Blogger Highlight series, I've enjoyed meeting each blogger and sharing their site with you. This week we highlight the blog of My Mind Strength.   My Mind Strength My Mind Strength is mental health blog providing information about mental health and much more. I strive to… Continue reading Blogger Highlight-My Mind Strength

Mental Health

Theme Under Construction

I changed twice today and this theme is breaking my back. It shows me the navigation bar and logo are all there but after hours of this tangled web, I'm left without a header until I can fix it or talk with WordPress. If someone who's been around WP for 10-15 years and recently changed… Continue reading Theme Under Construction

Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

My New Theme, What do you think?

I like to change things from time to time and today was a good day to change. I'm still working on getting all the widgets correct. The key thing I don't like about the Theme is there is not a left or right column. I didn't realize how difficult it is to find what you… Continue reading My New Theme, What do you think?

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

Make Your Home A Healthier Place

Your home is your sanctuary away from the stresses of modern life; of course, you’ll want to feel as relaxed and comfortable there as possible. To improve your quality of life, it’s useful to consider how healthy your home is. There are many ways you can make your home a healthier space; for starters, consider… Continue reading Make Your Home A Healthier Place

Celebrate Life · Fun · Health and Wellbeing

Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SOCS Prompt is “The first 3 words”

Today’s prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “the first 3 words of the first full sentence.” …. 1. Grab the closest book to you when you sit down to write your post. 2. Open it to a random page. 3. Locate the first complete sentence on that page. 4. Use the first three words… Continue reading Stream of Consciousness Saturday #SOCS Prompt is “The first 3 words”