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Why Adventure is an Essential Tool on the Path to Mental Wellness

If there is one thing about our lives, it’s that if we are experiencing one of the many aspects of the mental health umbrella, it’s that it forces us to retreat into our shell. Mental wellness is not something that is defined as the absence of mental illness but about learning to thrive in a mind state where you can realize your potential, cope with those everyday stresses, and make those meaningful contributions. This is why something like adventuring may seem completely anathema to the idea of self-care. But here are some. Adventure can be an amazing catalyst to improve our wellness. Let’s show you why.

Photo by Jahoo Clouseau on Pexels.com

Connection with Nature

While so many people instantly connect the idea of mental wellness with being out in nature, not everybody experiences that stereotypical sense of calm that is out in nature. However, if you attempt to get yourself off the beaten track and make the most of your time in nature, it instantly gives you a sense of grounding and a soothing effect that could be very therapeutic. 

Because being in nature can improve our mental well-being, we can stand to benefit not just from being surrounded by trees but actually using these approaches as a way to get as far away from the rat race as humanly possible. We can all struggle to deal with those daily pressures. This is why potentially opting for more hiking and biking can make a big difference. You can easily purchase an electric off road bike for adults or a backpack and a new pair of boots and venture into nature.

The Attention It Demands of You

This is a very important thing to remember, especially when we are consumed by anxiety. We hear so much about the benefits of mindfulness, but rather than something like a body scan meditation or sitting there trying to think of nothing, lots of people make the mistake of thinking that mindfulness is supposed to be a welcome distraction. It should be something that nourishes you, and often when we’re feeling like there is nothing to live for, no matter what we have in our lives, doing something that simultaneously nourishes us but also is challenging enough to take our attention off our thoughts for even a split second is an amazing solution. 

Something like scuba diving or rock climbing requires you to be present in the moment because it demands so much of your attention. But you can apply this to other parts of your life as well. For example, going to the gym can be as much of an adventure as doing something as stereotypical as climbing trees or flying. When we feel anxious, we ruminate. There is a reason why those adventurers feel addicted to those practices, and that’s because they’re not consumed by those thoughts that everybody has at one point or another.

Social Connection

Finding someone who is doing exactly the same thing as you, especially when it’s a very unique or left-field practice, could foster a sense of belonging. This is absolutely ideal for mental wellness. As people, it’s deeply ingrained in us that we practice socializing. Being a part of a group of people allows us to be simultaneously involved but also blend into something, and when we participate in an activity where there are only a few people, this instantly creates a sense of trust because you’re both on the same page with the same shared goal. 

This doesn’t just mean that you then achieve the goal itself, but because you’re doing something that actively nourishes you in a group of people who are thinking the same way, you instantly feel part of a team, part of a greater purpose, and this means that you will begin to feel more inclined to pursue the things that make you feel this way. It’s like an addiction but with a more positive spin.

Increased Resilience

Going on any form of adventure is, first and foremost, about taking you out of your comfort zone. We all need to push our upper limits so we are better equipped to handle the ups and downs that life throws at us. 

We can feel so much guilt that we’re alive if we’ve gone through an incredibly tough time, but we also need to remember that life is not purely about happiness, which is a major misconception, it’s about remembering those challenges can boost our resilience and remember that adversity is something that we all overcome in any different form.

If there’s one thing about life that we should all maintain, it’s a sense of curiosity. This is why going on any form of adventure is an amazing solution, not just for the sake of mental wellness, but for every aspect of our existence.

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6 thoughts on “Why Adventure is an Essential Tool on the Path to Mental Wellness

  1. This is a great article that highlights the many benefits of adventure for mental wellness. I particularly like the points about connection with nature, the attention it demands of us, social connection, and increased resilience.

    1. I was Ms. Adventure until the chronic illnesses started to mount. I love to hike and raft down the river, you would be surprised by what I call “My old life”. I made a ton of money, traveled several times a year, and even went to Russia on my own. Now, my chair and bed fill my life. It’s not a full life but I’m working on how to add joy. I’m not complaining, just sharing a bit of my past vs now. I’m glad to be alive but there’s a hole in my heart that needs to be filled. Have a great day. 🙂

      1. I’m sorry to hear about the challenges you’re facing with chronic illnesses. It’s understandable that there may be a sense of longing for that past life and a desire to find joy in your current circumstances. Remember to be gentle with yourself as you navigate this new chapter and explore ways to add joy to your life. You are resilient and capable, and I believe you will find ways to fill that hole in your heart. Wishing you a great day as well.

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