Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

DIY Moroccan Sugar Scrub

The scrub is easy to make and it also makes gifts.

Willow & Sage by Stampington

You will need

Small Bowl

1 cup granulated sugar

1 TB matcha powder

2 bags of Moroccan mint tea

2 1/2 TB Jojoba oil

3 drops peppermint essential oil

Container you want to use

Chunky yarn

Photo by Nuruddin Bharmal on Pexels.com

To make

In a small bowl, combine the granulated sugar and the matcha powder.

Cut two bags of Moroccan mint and loose tea into the sugar mix.

Add the jojoba oil, and mix well to distribute.

Add peppermint essential oil, if desired.

Store the container in a dark and cool place.

To package for your gift-giving purpose, wrap a nice rope around the container.

Simply rub on rough skin or anywhere that needs exfoliation.

Have fun making for yourself or giving a gift for the holidays.

Keep your eyes open for more DIY projects and recipes.


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