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DIY Blueberry Sugar Scrub-WOW! What A Treat

This easy-to-make recipe is the perfect gift, one for yourself and one to give. Find a pretty mason jar to store the scrub in, write down the instructions and tie it on with string.

Photo by veeterzy on Pexels.com

Willow and Sage by Stampington

You Will Need

Yields 1 1/2 cups

1/2 cup frozen blueberries, thawed, can use fresh or frozen blueberries.

Food processor/immersion blender

1 cup natural sugar

1/8 cup coconut oil, melted


Mason Jar

To Make

Puree the blueberries in the food processor or with an immersion blender until no large chunks remain. Add natural sugar and coconut oil, and stir to combine. Spoon the mixture into a mason jar. Store the scrub in the fridge, and use it within one month.



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