Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Fibromyalgia Thoughts #12 Celebrating

My last Fibro-focused post was Fibromyalgia Thoughts #11  , and I was in bad shape including the treatment received while in the hospital.

This post is really more of a celebration of my Fibromyalgia staying under control. This year my other health issues have taken center stage, and when I had symptoms, I was lucky to miss a total flare.

Some days I wake in a fog, I don’t fight it and go lie down. How productive is staring at a computer screen or out the back window?   I’m more forgiving of myself now and know I’m blessed to be able to focus on my health. I can’t imagine how hard it is to have Fibromyalgia, or any chronic illness, and work, care for kids, or other family matters daily. My hat’s off to you for managing daily life. Don’t overdo it! 

I have Bursitis in both hips and receive steroid shots to manage pain. The shots start to wear off in two months but I have to wait until the three-month mark. This is when my hip pain elevates, and having a flare on top of is excruciating.

I send well wishes to everyone who has Fibromyalgia and lives a fulfilled life.

Remember you’re not alone and talking to someone could change the mood of your day.


6 thoughts on “Fibromyalgia Thoughts #12 Celebrating

  1. I feel for you Melinda, it is a struggle to have fibro on top of other health issues, as it tends to aggravate them. I am glad it is maintainable for you! I am sorry that the steroids wear off too soon for you. I use to get those shots in my knees once a month but it didn’t work so we decided to stop. I found marcaine shots worked way better for me for pain, even for Fibro.
    I hope you are having a good day!

      1. Marcaine is the same stuff women get in a epidural when giving birth…
        My Rheumatologist would give me these shots all over my neck area once a week and it would block all pain I had, everywhere… it works wonder on Fibro pain!

        I found this on google… “Marcaine (bupivacaine hydrochloride) Injection is an anesthetic (numbing medicine) used as a local (in one area) anesthetic for a spinal block. Marcaine is available in generic form.”

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