Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health

Easter Is Not The Celebration Of Bunnies And Egg Hunts

I say to myself, where did the Easter Bunny tradition start? How did the Holy Day of Easter become commercialized? How many children have no idea what the real meaning of the Easter Celebrations is?

There are no egg hunts in the Bible because the Holy Day is about Jesus. I participated in egg hunts as a kid but I knew it was a Celebration of Jesus. My granny read to me from her Bible and I would go to church with anyone on our street who asked me. I didn’t dig deep into the Bible until I was 14 years old and converted to another religion. 

Commercialization annoys me.

Here’s what I found out about the history of the Easter Bunny.

It is debated by scholars, one thought is that it began in the 16th century and others believe it was during the 18th century that the tradition started. They were big community celebrations no doubt but were not related to Easter.

The easiest way to help your kids is to teach them about the meaning of the Easter Celebration, without mentioning  Egg Hunts. If kids were taught from the youngest age about Easter and other traditions that happen at the same time. 

I am sick of seeing ads for Easter Egg Hunting. 

I’m sending my best wishes to everyone who celebrates Easter as a Christian Holy Day. 


8 thoughts on “Easter Is Not The Celebration Of Bunnies And Egg Hunts

  1. I don’t how kids can believe in the Easter Bunny. It’s weird to think that a giant bunny is hopping around town from house to house. Kids probably play along to get the candy. 🙂

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