Men & Womens Health

May Awareness Month’s

May isn't filled with many holidays but what a list of Awareness Month's we have. ALS Awareness Month American Cheese Month American Wetlands Month Arthritis Awareness Month Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Better Sleep Month Bladder Cancer Awareness Month Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month Brain Cancer Awareness Month Building Safety Month Celiac Awareness… Continue reading May Awareness Month’s

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Things I’m Loving-Bedtime Is Self Care Time

Here are a few products I'm loving with right now. I hope you find a product to add to your household or self-care routine. The list may also give you ideas for a surprise for friends, and family. Most products are found on Amazon.     THIS WORKS Deep Sleep Pillow Spray: Fast-Acting Natural Rest… Continue reading Things I’m Loving-Bedtime Is Self Care Time

Men & Womens Health

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo On The 5th

Cinco de Mayo History Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day, a popular misconception. Instead, it commemorates a single battle. In 1861, Benito Juárez—a lawyer and member of the Indigenous Zapotec tribe—was elected president of Mexico. At the time, the country was in financial ruin after years of internal strife, and the new president… Continue reading Celebrate Cinco de Mayo On The 5th

Health and Wellbeing · Survivor

My Brother Witnessed The Child Abuse Of Sister * Everybody Hurts*

Original post 3/2014 Everyone suffers in an abusive environment. Our house was always in chaos. An alcoholic stepfather who abused my mother and a mother who abused her daughter. There were three other children in the house who saw the abuse and heard the screams and threats. I used to think the victim was the… Continue reading My Brother Witnessed The Child Abuse Of Sister * Everybody Hurts*

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Blogger Highlight-Kelly’s Quest

Thank you for all the great feedback on the Blogger Highlight series, I've enjoyed meeting each blogger and sharing their site with you. This week we highlight Kelly's Quest.     Kelly's Quest This is the story of my quest for spirituality. I read some of her posts last week and her site is a… Continue reading Blogger Highlight-Kelly’s Quest

Men & Womens Health

My First Letter From So-Called Hacker

Pay attention to any threat you receive! Does this person think I'm that stupid? Not to mention, I can't perform the act he mentions. HAHA.   Hello pervert, I've sent this message from your iCloud mail.  I want to inform you about a very bad situation for you. However, you can benefit from it, if… Continue reading My First Letter From So-Called Hacker

Men & Womens Health

6,276 Free Courses From Coursera Waiting For You

I have taken many courses at Coursera over the last 15+ years and it's a great way to try something new. Occasionally, the topic isn't what I thought, and I didn't finish the course. That's the flexibility I appreciate. Coursera has so many options not only for free courses but they have degree programs as… Continue reading 6,276 Free Courses From Coursera Waiting For You

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Deep Thoughts

In this fast-paced social media world, it can be difficult to find the time to look within or back in time. I hope you find these quotes and questions interesting. So glad you stopped by today! Everyone needs to leave room for a little spontaneity in their lives. When was the last time you embarked… Continue reading Deep Thoughts

Health and Wellbeing

It’s Easy To Make Your Own Essential Oils

Recipe from Willow and Sage by Stampington Making your own essential oil is easier than you think. Gather dried herbs and oil of your choice. Dried herbs are better than fresh ones to prevent mold.    Calendula Oil--Use for any skin remedies, like in lotion or facial oil. Peppermint Oil--Wonderful for relieving aches and pains.… Continue reading It’s Easy To Make Your Own Essential Oils