Celebrate Life · Fun

#Weekend Music Share-Tony Orlando & Dawn – Knock Three Times 1970

It's the weekend!!!!!! I'm glad you joined me this week for another edition of Weekend Music Share. Have a great weekend! https://youtu.be/uw2eitx9Ly0?si=RVqRB4nt5rwwvlu5 Melinda Welcome back to Weekend Music Share, the place where everyone can share their favorite music. Feel free to use the Weekend Music Share banner in your post, and use the hashtag #WeekendMusicShare on social… Continue reading #Weekend Music Share-Tony Orlando & Dawn – Knock Three Times 1970

Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health

New Medication Ramp-Up Time Period Is Called Efficacy

Many if not most prescribed medications require a ramp-up period called efficacy, this is the time it takes for the medication to reach a therapeutic level.  For example: I started Trintellex several weeks ago for my ongoing depression. The Prozac wasn't working any longer which is common when you take a drug for a long… Continue reading New Medication Ramp-Up Time Period Is Called Efficacy

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Why You Need to Redefine Self-Care Beyond What the Media Shows

It’s really sad to say, but to a degree self-care has become a buzzword frequently portrayed in media and online as indulgent bubble baths, retail therapy, and the occasional junk food binge. Not just in shows, or in advertisements triyng to sell you stuff, but even on social media by the people you know, and… Continue reading Why You Need to Redefine Self-Care Beyond What the Media Shows

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

Learning To Recognize And Cope With PTSD

We all experience stress. That’s a normal part of life. However, there are different levels of stress, and, for some people, it can be much more than they may be equipped to deal with, alone. If you have experienced some form of trauma in the past, and you have begun to experience nightmares, mood swings,… Continue reading Learning To Recognize And Cope With PTSD

Celebrate Life

An Open Letter to pkmundo: the Master of the Follow-Unfollow Game By Guest Blogger Mrs. Claire Gutknecht

Clair's post is about bloggers who play the game of follow and unfolllow to get followers. It's tactics used by people who are driven by numbers only. The reason I reblogged is that I don't appreciate these tactics. Who would want to follow a blogger who has no confidence in themselves and no desire to… Continue reading An Open Letter to pkmundo: the Master of the Follow-Unfollow Game By Guest Blogger Mrs. Claire Gutknecht

Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health

From Family Cookbook-Aunt Dorthy’s Nut Rolls With Filling

The family cookbook contains recipes, my Granny's & Gramps used often and is the type of food I grew up on. Many with veggies and tomatoes from the garden. Good ole Southern food like my Gramps dumplings, to Grannies pecan pie. This is from my husband's Aunt Dorthy's recipes who writes BEST at the top… Continue reading From Family Cookbook-Aunt Dorthy’s Nut Rolls With Filling