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Put Your Politics Aside And Honor Military Members This Memorial Day On May 27th

My Gramps came from a long line of family members serving in the Military, and he took such pride in serving America. I admired him for all the pain he carried inside that he wouldn’t discuss which is common for those who served during a war. Before he shipped out to Germany, he was called to protect the Panal Canal after Pearl Harbor. He had so many great memories from his time there. He loved to tell the story of his buddy having a pet monkey and the crazy stunts the Air Force did.

At the core, he was a soldier who fought for America’s Freedom. All military members deserve our gratitude regardless of your politics, that doesn’t play into your thoughts of the men and women who have served our country for our Freedom!

The area I am most concerned about is the number of homeless Veterans, addiction, and the lack of PTSD support. We must follow our commitment to support all military members for the sacrifices they made.

It’s most important to remember the families who live a nomadic life as a military family which can create cracks in their marriage. There’s a backstory.

I admire all of the military for protecting my freedoms as a Proud American.



The videos are by Toby Keith, God rest his soul. Your impact on our lives is felt every day.

The first video is Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue and the second is Made In America.



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