15 thoughts on “A Special Thanks To Vietnam, Tanzania and Pakistan For Visiting

    1. No, I don’t! Are you in the Philippines now or did you work for the Japanese companies while living there? My husband works for Fujitsu and he has visited once. Japan looks nice but has too many tall skyscrapers for me and their business model seems archaic to me. I have a few phots he took but they are pretty crappy. I play with them from time to time, but not satisfied with the outcome. I do regular shout outs and I’ll be sure to include the Philippines next. Have a great day or evening? What time is there? ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I didn’t realise your hubby works for Fujitsu. We’ve seen the company in the news a lot lately here in the UK because of the Post Office / Horizon scandal, which is a shame. It used to be a bigger name for tech that was well regarded when I was a kid. What does he do for the company?

        So cool that so many places all over the world want to see what you’re writing!

        Caz xx

        1. My husband works for the America sub company FNC where he is a Director. The company sucks and has an archaic business model. The business model works in Japan but not in America and they don’t get it and don’t care. I love see what countries visit. Today it created a good conversation from India and the Philippines even though they weren’t mention is that post. How are you? I wish you had the time write an email to catch me up to date on your health, your parents health and the move. Write when you can. I will work on remembering to give you an update was several things have changed with me. Take it easy! Hugs.

      2. I used to work in Japan as a food processor, specifically in Narashino near Tokyo. I only stayed for the duration of my 3-year contract and didn’t renew it. I really miss Japan. Honestly, it’s my dream country. I love how peaceful it is. Right now, I’m back here in the Philippines. We’re in the (GMT+8) timezone here.

        1. Tokyo is where my husband went, but I bet there are many nice places to visit that aren’t overcrowded. the people are laid back which I like and seem helpful. One day I’ll post a few photos that won’t embarrass me. Take good care. ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. That sounds like a lovely trip! Tokyo can be bustling, but there are definitely quieter spots to explore. And hey, embarrassing photos just add character to the memories, right? Take care!

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