Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

From Family Cookbook Aunt Dorthy’s Pie Crust

The family cookbook contains recipes, my Granny’s & Gramps used often and is the type of food I grew up on. Many with veggies and tomatoes from the garden. Good ole Southern food like my Gramps dumplings, to Grannies pecan pie.

This recipe is from my husband’s Aunt, all of her recipes are written on cards and her spelling can be hard to cipher.


1 1/4 flour

1/2 TSP salt

1/2 cup Crisco cold *I don’t know what cold product you can substitute with.”

3-4 TSP cold water

9-inch pie shell

Cooking Instructions

Mix and roll

Pick up from the bottom and sides with a fork to stop air bubbles

Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes

A good pie crust recipe can make all the difference in the overall pie.


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