Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health

From Family Cookbook Aunt Dorthy’s Barbacue Beef

The family cookbook contains recipes my Granny & Gramps used often and is the type of food I grew up on. Many with veggies and tomatoes from the garden. Good ole Southern food like my Gramps dumplings, to Grannies pecan pie.

 The recipe comes from my husband’s Aunt on his Father’s side.


1 cup Ketchup

1 TSP salt

2 TBS Worchester sauce

Pepper to taste

1/4 cup vinegar

Chiilii powder to taste

Large chopped onion

1 1/2 cup water

Roast Beef or Roast Pork shredded

Large pot

Cooking Instructions

Bring to boil then slowly simmer for 1 hour

Keep in mind the recipe has grammatical errors.



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