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Blogger Highlight-Mitch Teemley The Power of Story

Thank you for all the great feedback on the Blogger Highlight series, I’ve enjoyed meeting each blogger and sharing their site with you. This week we highlight the blog Mitch Teemley The Power of Story.    

Mitch Teemley The Power of Story

I’m a storyteller (writer, filmmaker, composer, public speaker) with the audacity to believe others might actually want to read, watch or hear the things I come up with. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio with my wise and gorgeous wife Trudy. Together we’ve created our magnum opi: two adorable, wildly creative daughters. More? Well, if you insist: there are mini-bios on me at Wikipedia and IMDb.

Mitch’s post is a ray of sunshine and a dose of reality. He has an incredible storytelling ability. You must check his blog out!


Looking for the Light


3 thoughts on “Blogger Highlight-Mitch Teemley The Power of Story

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