Art · Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Mental Health · Photography

Blogger Highlight-Yolanda and Her Creative Scream

Thank you for all the great feedback on the Blogger Highlight series, I’ve enjoyed meeting each blogger and sharing their blog with you. This week we highlight the blog Yolanda and her creative mind.    

Yolanda and her creative scream

My name is Yolanda. From the beginning, I wrote a lot here to teach people about mental illness. I do that sometimes in the present, but now I mostly share my creative perspective in photography, photoshop art, and poetry most of the time.

Yolanda picked up photography when she moved to Stockholm five years ago. 

These are one image and one photo she likes and I wanted to share them with you.

Yolanda and her creative scream

Here is a recent favorite of mine.

Yolanda is also a published writer of the book Alternativt


Baksidan lyder:
”Alternativt” är en bok som jag har skrivit när jag har varit frisk och när jag har varit sjuk. I grunden har jag Aspergers syndrom och lider av bipolär sjukdom. Som person är jag väldigt kreativ. Jag har tidigare givit ut en annan bok, som jag gav namnet ”I skuggan av en siluett skör som glas”. Både den och den här boken är mest baserade på dikter. Den förra boken innehåller även målningar och teckningar. ”Alternativt” bjuder på dikter och texter skrivna av en kreativ och alternativ kvinna, som är mycket mer än bara sina diagnoser.

Finns nu att köpa på Vulkan:

”Alternativt” finns även att köpa i de flesta nätbokhandlarna!

Here’s a great review. 

”Your talent bestowed within u by God endowed you to write and inspire others with the beauty and skills of your royal talent.”_-Van Prince

The interpretation of the photos she takes is amazing. She has Asperger Syndrome which I know very little about but I can feel the world around her and despite her challenges, she gets up and keeps living life. That is what we can all do. Live life.

Be sure to stop by and say hello, not only is she talented, she’s so sweet and grateful. I know you will enjoy her blog, pull up a set and stay awhile. 


Looking for the Light


3 thoughts on “Blogger Highlight-Yolanda and Her Creative Scream

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