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I’m Celebrating The Countries That Have Visited My Blog To Date-You’re The Fabric Of My Life

Thank you for letting me travel with you. As a child, I read the National Geographic magazines my friend’s father collected and have wanted to travel the world since. I have the chance through you and your blogs.

I have changed the settings for commenting on my posts. You no longer have to sign in or be a member of WordPress. I hope this opens more communication between us. I love all the comments and feedback. There’s always something to learn and another side to every story.


                       The countries that have visited my blog and views to date
These numbers are up to June 19th, 2024.

10 thoughts on “I’m Celebrating The Countries That Have Visited My Blog To Date-You’re The Fabric Of My Life

    1. Reaching and connecting are different. I love that other countries seek out my work but most important to me in engagement, the connections made. Number don’t mean anything they are fun to look at but the core value matters more.

I enjoy hearing your thoughts, feedback or ideas, please comment.