Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Mental Health · Self-Care

Can You Be Too Kind?

Kindness without self-care creates burnout. And it’s common among people in caregiving professions like, doctors and nurses who continuously take on the emotional strain of others. But burnout doesn’t happen because you use up too many empathy or kindness chips. Usually, people burn out when they don’t have time for self-care practices that let them recharge and focus on their mental well-being.

Here are five helpful tips we often fail to do:

Take breaks


Schedule vacation days and truly disconnect

Spend time outside

Make time for wellness activities like meditation, exercise, or a hobby.

From a Prevention Magazine in December 2021

All great points we can all use to take care of our mental well-being.


11 thoughts on “Can You Be Too Kind?

  1. Important words of wisdom, Melinda. When I worked as a counselor, I’d occasionally schedule a day off in the middle of the week for wellness. I probably should have done this more.

    1. I finally have my hubby David scheduling more days off. He earns so much each month that he can burn about four days. He has taken a long stretch off over the holiday. He plans to retire in March when he reaches 62. We’re hoping the company offers him a package soon so we get some extra money, about a year’s salary to cover insurance and buy our next house. I can’t wait to move, actually be at the point of being settled in. I’ve been purging like crazy but he is a total pack rat and I can hardly get him to throw away crap he never needed. Men! 🙂

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