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Why Does A Pain Relief Cream Burn?

I have been a proud Affiliate of Aromalief for many years and have written several reviews about their products. This post contains affiliate links that don’t cost you more, take you directly to their site, and help keep my coffee habit supplied.


Hi, I’m Annabel! Welcome to Aromalief, a brand dedicated to helping women like you beat pain. I started Aromalief in 2018 to help my mom who was in pain. After wasting money on several products, I decided that my mom deserved better. 

With the help of a naturopathic chemist, we developed formulas that are clean, easy to apply and smell like rich essential oils. The experience of using Aromalief is like applying a luxurious body cream and not your grandfather’s pain reliever. 

Thousands of women across the US love and trust Aromalief and I am so proud of all the people who work at our small business (including my mom). 

– Annabel founder/daughter/mom


Posted by Annabel Mendez on June 24, 2024

When you’re in pain, reaching for a pain relief cream can feel like a quick and easy solution. However, many people are familiar with the uncomfortable burning sensation that often accompanies the use of traditional pain relief creams. Understanding why this happens and how some products, like Aromalief, differ can help you make a more informed choice for your pain management needs.

Sensitive Skin



Many traditional pain relief creams contain ingredients like menthol, camphor, or capsaicin. These substances are known as counterirritants, meaning they create a mild irritation or sensation (like burning or cooling) on the skin to distract pain receptors from deeper pain.

  • Menthol and Camphor: These ingredients produce a cooling effect that can be intense, sometimes causing a burning sensation on sensitive skin.
  • Capsaicin: Derived from chili peppers, capsaicin works by depleting a neurotransmitter called Substance P, which is responsible for sending pain signals to the brain. The initial effect, however, can be a strong burning feeling as the nerve endings react.


Individuals with sensitive skin or certain skin conditions like diabetes may experience heightened reactions to these active ingredients, resulting in a more pronounced burning sensation.


Using too much cream or applying it too frequently can increase the intensity of the burning sensation. The concentration of active ingredients in the cream can lead to an overpowering effect if not used as directed. Some creams can have up to 25% active ingredients and even though this may sound like a good idea, the burning sensation may prove to be worse than the actual pain.


Aromalief has developed a premium formula that addresses pain relief without the intense burning sensation commonly associated with traditional creams. Our unique blend of active ingredients, nutrients, and botanicals are not found in other creams. When it comes to getting relief without the burning sensation here’s how:

Why Is Aromalief Different


Aromalief incorporates slow-release cooling crystals in its formula. These crystals provide a gradual and gentle cooling effect, rather than an immediate and intense one. This slow release mechanism ensures sustained pain relief without the harsh burning feeling. Most companies don’t use this technology because it is 20x more expensive than traditional menthol or camphor. 


Aloe vera is well-known for its soothing and healing properties. It helps to calm irritated skin and reduce inflammation. In Aromalief, aloe vera works synergistically with the cooling crystals to enhance the overall soothing effect, making the cream more comfortable to use even on sensitive skin.


Almond oil is a natural emollient that helps to moisturize and nourish the skin. It provides a protective barrier that not only enhances the skin’s hydration but also helps to minimize any potential irritation from the active ingredients. This makes Aromalief a gentler option for those with delicate skin.

Aromalief Vegan Pain Relief Cream


  • Gentle Yet Effective: Aromalief’s balance of slow-release cooling crystals, aloe vera, and almond oil offers effective pain relief without the discomfort of a burning sensation.
  • Skin-Friendly: The natural ingredients in Aromalief are designed to be kind to your skin, providing hydration and soothing effects along with pain relief.
  • Sustained Relief: The slow-release formula ensures that the cooling effect is long-lasting, providing extended relief from pain without the need for frequent reapplication.


While traditional pain relief creams can offer quick relief, the burning sensation they often cause can be a significant downside. Aromalief’s innovative approach with slow-release cooling crystals, aloe vera, and almond oil provides a more comfortable and skin-friendly alternative. By choosing Aromalief, you can experience effective pain relief without the burn, making it an ideal choice for those seeking both comfort and efficacy in their pain management solutions.

This blog post is not intended to provide medical advice. Please consult a physician.

I love the Hemp Pain Relief hand cream in Lavender and Orange the best.


4 thoughts on “Why Does A Pain Relief Cream Burn?

    1. The lavender is my favorite. I need to use it now but forget. I am using gloves that freezer packs in them at night to help my painful hands and wrist. It was bad enough but now that I’ve lost too much weight, I’m skin and bones. This morning before 8 I had already watered my plants outside and pulled 2 flower beds full of weeds. Working on the computer is flaming painful. It’s time for a break. Maybe I can hold some food down now. 🙂

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