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Sending A Special Thanks To Mali, Russia, Brazil, Spain And Greece For Visiting

I love to see what countries visit my blog, it actually hits my travel desire. Each week I look further into countries I’m not familiar with and this week I took a closer look at Mali. Mali, is a landlocked country of western Africa, mostly in the Saharan and Sahelian regions. Mali is largely flat and arid. The Niger River flows through its interior, functioning as the main trading and transport artery in the country. Sections of the river flood periodically, providing much-needed fertile agricultural soil along its banks as well as creating pasture for livestock. Although Mali is one of the largest countries in Africa, it has a relatively small population, which is largely centered along the Niger River. Agriculture is the dominant economic sector in the country, with cotton production, cattle and camel herding, and fishing among the major activities.

St Petersburg, Russia will always have a special place in my heart, I loved the city’s deep history, the Cathedrals, the architecture, and above all the kindness of the people. I knew three words in Russian and the people who didn’t speak English, many of them, tried so hard to help me, taking extra time when I was lost or not able to find a museum I really wanted to see. The history of St. Petersburg is fascinating and at one time it served as the capital of Russia. The Hermitage Palace and museum is something everyone needs to see, it is mind-blowing and houses not only fine art but the greatest collection of Faberge Eggs

I visited Madrid, Spain in 1988 and it was my first international trip. I keep a photo of a couple performing with string puppets in the square on my bookcase. We made the trip to Toledo, A UNESCO World Heritage Site, which includes the Cathedral of Toledo and the Alcázar fortress. The Cathedral was reportedly built in the Middle Ages and is one of Spain’s most important Gothic structures. At the same time, the Alcázar fortress has played a significant role in Spanish history, serving as a royal palace, military fortification, and now a museum. The fort was a trip back in time, on the huge wooden doors you could see where it was hit with cannonballs. The architecture was undescribable and being on the river made it even more special. The locals were welcoming and tried to help me so hard when we were lost and I needed to go to the bathroom. Try to speak that in body language. The exquisite handmade Ladro porcelain pieces are made in Spain and I found a special one to bring my Granny. We also found a beautiful black plate with gold detailing, all made by hand.  

Greece is high on my bucket list, with its deep history, magnificent blue water, cathedrals capped in blue, crazy uphill walking, and white-covered buildings and houses and the mob. I’ve read that mob still runs parts of the country although I bet they would prefer I not mention. Greece is also known for gold, when traveling you can pick up gold jewelry for a fraction of the price in America. There a plenty of shops to choose from and the designs are creative and playful. That’s just the tip of the iceberg that the Greek Islands are.  

Brazil is on my travel bucket list, the country has so much to offer. 

Statue of Peter the Great in St. Petersburg Square

Thank you so much for stopping by. 



19 thoughts on “Sending A Special Thanks To Mali, Russia, Brazil, Spain And Greece For Visiting

  1. Perhaps that was a bad guess (Europe) since your first international trip in 1988 was Spain. If you choose to reply, I will be very interested!

    I am a sixth generation Vermonter and sadly have done very little traveling. (I used my travel budget to buy cars lol). I have hardly traveled at all: Montreal, Toronto, Nova Scotia, New England USA, Florida, California.

    That’s it!
    There’s a lot to see in the USA and given the current dangers around the world (which I know can be managed), my bucket list will begin with a thorough investigation of the high points in my own country. After that I can ask you for advice! 🙂 I hope to tour the USA in a sports car 🙂

    It’s important that I remind myself that even in countries where there is violence, the people who are just trying to live every day lives despite the terrible conditions are no different than I am in that they are just trying to find satisfaction in life. People not actively involved in war are generally very kind (based on what I read).

    St. Petersburg sounds fascinating. But not in winter please! I have lived through far far too many winters already. Though with global warming… Vermont winters have gotten much milder since I was young, and when I consider moving south I’m concerned I will be overwhelmed by heat even here in the USA . I lived for six years in Florida (the only time I have lived outside of Vermont). I met some wonderful people, but the heat and humidity, even in winter, was more than I could handle. I chose Florida simply because I had a good friend who lived there. I actually tolerate cold better than I tolerate heat when it comes to my health. For whatever reason, heat and humidity increase my OCD problems significantly.

    I love that you have done so much traveling! I hope you keep checking things off your bucket list!

    1. I’ve done very little travel in the U.S. some for pleasure but most for travel. Dallas is one city I would steer clear of, the poverty and injustice of the city government is shameless. I was born in the slums even lived in the projects as a baby and they haven’t changed, no road maintanece, more poverty and now due the alleys being overrun with trash the city is only picking up every 2 weeks which is unacceptable. There are some great places and museum to see but I only take the train in to see and that is an eye opener itself. The trains are clean as can be but there are plenty of theirs who ride the trains, get off in nicer neighborhoods and rob people. I won’t even take the train by myself anymore.

          1. Thanks for taking the time to chat with me Melinda. I really enjoyed it. 🙂
            I left a comment or two on my own “blog site“ responding to messages you sent there. If you’ve read them, I have received no notification. Anyway, they are out there if you feel like looking sometime. Now that we have had this chat, some of it will be repetition.

            I hope you enjoy your day!
            Be Well – Paul

      1. I’m in Northern Vermont. 20 minutes from the Canadian border. In a small town called Saint Albans which is right on Lake Champlain (a wonderful benefit!).

        It only takes me about 90 minutes to drive to Montreal. I love that city. Bilingual (I am not, but technology helps with that these days)… And so much to do. I’m grateful to have it so close by. My best friend lives Four hours away in Boston. Also a great city.

        I spent two weeks in school just outside of Dallas way back in 1982 for computer training. So long ago and I was so young, I would have to go back and see it again.

        1. You must be younger than my 61 years. I’ve never been to Canada but would like to travel around. I want to see the Caribou migrate which is breathtaking and visit a few areas. I’ve lived in Texas all my life and do much better in warmer weather. Now Texas summer’s are oppressive but not anywhere as bad as Florida. I will not live in any Hurricane prone area. I doubt I’ll ever move but if something happened to my husband, Australia is an option even with it heat. It’s so expensive but it’s one on the happiest places to live along with America. I’ve been to Sydney and it was breathtakingly beautiful. We stayed in the harbor and walked everywhere. Guns are against the law and from what my blogging friend Gavin has told me crime is very low. I can’t say that about many parts of America.

          1. SO Glad that you have a husband who supports you. My ex (who I divorced 24 years ago) put up with my OCD for 10 years (and I give her credit for that), but when she left she told me she did not believe in mental health problems and was disappointed that I had not been “mentally tough enough to just get over it”. in her defense there were no mental health problems in her family so she didn’t have a clue. But I was completely shocked when… After staying with me for 10 years and hoping I would get better… She then told me I was weak for not being able to overcome it by “mind over matter”. Otherwise she was a very high-quality person, but clearly very blind about mental health issues. And therefore a poor match for me. I live alone, am very isolated… And I find that extremely difficult… In fact I hate it. Little by little I’m trying to find a way to expand my social life.

            Actually we are very close to the same age. I turned 62 last week.

          2. She was wrong and uneducated on the subject. My ex was the same and that along with him cheating on me ended our marriage. When I married again, I told him within the first month we were dating about my mental illness and he has gone on every appt with my Psych since. He also accompanies me on many of my doctor’s appointment because I have cognitive impairment. I guess we are the same age give or take.

        1. Relatively, we got hit with the 70 year Winter storm a few years ago and went without electricity for close to a week. The fires are much worse due to extreme drought and the rain has caused a great deal of flooding. Tornadoes are always an issue but this year they hit so many states as well as flooding. People Donn’t get that the weather changes are due to Climate Change, it’s damn shame.

I enjoy hearing your thoughts, feedback or ideas, please comment.