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July Awareness Days

It’s fascinating how the months were named and when. I didn’t learn this in high school History class. 

When Julius Caesar became Pontifex Maximus, he reformed the Roman calendar so that the 12 months were based on Earth’s revolutions around the Sun. It was a solar calendar, as we have today. January and February were moved to the front of the year, and leap years were introduced to keep the calendar year lined up with the solar year.

Fragile X Month

Frech-American Heratige Month

National Minority Mental Health Month

National Bison Month

Nation Cleft & Craniofacial Month

Sarcoma and Blood Cancer Month

UV Saftey Awareness Month

Disability Pride Month

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Plastic Free July

Malala Day July 12th

Be Love Day July 16th

International Self-Care July 24th

World Heart Day July 29th

International Tiger Day July 29th


17 thoughts on “July Awareness Days

      1. It’s great – I did a call out for the migraine awareness month / days, but I didn’t know that there was an international self-care day – I’ll do my best to remember to do a post about it on the 24th – thanks – you’re the best! xx

  1. I did not know this. Very Insightful … Thanks for Sharing.. Can you believe we are already going to July? This year is flying by so fast. UGH !!!

    Have a Blessed Day

        1. I’m already freezing inthe summer so you can imagine what Winters are like. I’ve always been cold natured yet traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia in the mid of Winter with the lack of appropirate clothes. I did okay except for one night I walked to the Ballet and had to take a taxi back.

          1. I feel you. I’m always cold . My wife says I’m like an old man. I wear long sleeves in the summer 😂😂😂 .

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