Art · Celebrate Life · Fun · Health and Wellbeing · Photography · Travel

I’ve Made A Few Updates To My Blog

Hello, so glad you stopped by today.  To allow more comments and my ability to communicate with others, I've changed the settings so that you don't have to log in or be a WordPress member. I've updated my About Me page slightly and continue to work on making Organizations That Can Help a drop-down menu.… Continue reading I’ve Made A Few Updates To My Blog

Celebrate Life · Family · Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health

The Unsung Heroes: Supporting Loved Ones Through Pain By Guest Blogger Mind Strength

Discover the Strength Behind Those Who Share the Burden of Their Loved Ones’ Suffering When we think about pain, our minds often turn to the person who is directly suffering. But what about those who feel the pain of someone else? It’s a complex and challenging experience that can leave one feeling helpless and unsure … Continue reading

Blogging · Celebrate Life · Fun · Health and Wellbeing · Photography

I’m Slowing Down, Way Down

I've been slowing down the past 6 months by working hard to stop multi-tasking and be in the moment, listen, and communicate clearly. My new medication is at full power, I'm feeling better than I have in over 5 years, and taking in every minute. I've kickstarted my indoor and outdoor plants, and have been… Continue reading I’m Slowing Down, Way Down

Blogging · Celebrate Life · Fun · Health and Wellbeing · Internet Good/Bad

Push Back On Blogs Who Are Trying To Sell Or Scam You! Keep Your Comments In Moderation

The blogosphere has changed dramatically since I started in 2005, in many ways for the better, of course, there's always the other side, the haters who love to rant away about who knows what and the ones who use blogs as a marketplace to sell their goods and it's rampant with scammers. The way I… Continue reading Push Back On Blogs Who Are Trying To Sell Or Scam You! Keep Your Comments In Moderation

Blogging · Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing


There was a time when I would have liked to have my post reblogged over and over. Today however I feel quite differently. I reblog as you know but I do it based on posts that hit the mark, have information I know you will enjoy and ones that move me deeply, and of course… Continue reading CÔTÉ LUMIÈRE, LIGHT SIDE Is On My Bad Side, Why?

Health and Wellbeing · Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward · Trauma

Tell Your Story By Guest Blogger Don’t Lose Hope

It's a shame that the change in reblogging only gives you a link, not the snippet you see at the beginning, I'll have to remember to copy and paste it. Ann and I have known each other for years and you see her posts on my blog from time to time, she whip-smart and her… Continue reading Tell Your Story By Guest Blogger Don’t Lose Hope

Art · Celebrate Life · Health and Wellbeing · Mental Health · Photography

Blogger Highlight-Yolanda and Her Creative Scream

Thank you for all the great feedback on the Blogger Highlight series, I've enjoyed meeting each blogger and sharing their blog with you. This week we highlight the blog Yolanda and her creative mind.     Yolanda and her creative scream My name is Yolanda. From the beginning, I wrote a lot here to teach… Continue reading Blogger Highlight-Yolanda and Her Creative Scream

Celebrate Life · Family · Health and Wellbeing · Mental Health

Happy Father’s Day Gramps

Many of you know I was extremely close to both of my Grandparents, we loved each other dearly. Not only did they pull me from rock bottom, but they made sure I had the tough love needed to get away from the bad crowd I was hanging with, my drug addiction, and recover from my… Continue reading Happy Father’s Day Gramps