Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health

Caregiver 101 Tips I Missed

Reblogged from 2009 I care for my 92-year-old Gramps and have been here for five weeks. He had three surgeries in seven days. Without Caregiving 101 training, I learned the hard way. *Ask the doctor what happens if the procedure does not work. *If a second procedure does not work, is there a third option.… Continue reading Caregiver 101 Tips I Missed

Men & Womens Health

Lost in Caregiver Twilight Zone

Written on 12/21/2009 I’m caring for my 92-year-old grandfather following three surgeries in seven days. I’m so tired it’s numbing, it’s impossible to think about doing it again tomorrow.  My grandfather is a man of habits driven by the time of day, maybe from his military background. One morning he was upset when the hospital… Continue reading Lost in Caregiver Twilight Zone