Celebrate Life · Fun · Moving Forward

Triple Shot Thursday*Ed Sheeran Hallelujah*

If you weren't an Ed Sheeran fan before his new LP will blow your mind. After promoting his previous album with a World tour, he said in an interview "I was fat, exhausted and didn't know myself anymore". Ed is a smart bloke, he took a year off traveling, fell in love with a friend… Continue reading Triple Shot Thursday*Ed Sheeran Hallelujah*

Moving Forward

DonorsChoose.org Helping Teachers Helps Students Learn

DonersChoose.org Supporting a great cause doesn't require a large donation, any amount stacks up and when the goal is reached you feel satisfaction. I live in Plano, Texas where a number of school are underserved and underfunded. When I receive an email from a School Teacher needing help, I look for projects with matching funds,… Continue reading DonorsChoose.org Helping Teachers Helps Students Learn

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Every Conversation Starts Somewhere

Bring Change To Mind For our 2017 campaign, we focused on one of the biggest challenges in discussing mental health: getting started. We gathered a team of performers, many of whom have connections to mental illness in their own lives. We asked them to roleplay different conversations, touching on various diagnoses and relationships. The videos show… Continue reading Every Conversation Starts Somewhere

Moving Forward

Shop Amazon Smiles, Donate to Your Choice Cause

Amazon donates to International Lyme and Associated Diseases Educational Foundation when you shop at AmazonSmile. Please bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/51-0604603  so all your eligible shopping will benefit ILADEF. If you have any questions, please sign in to http://org.amazon.com and click on the Help tab to see our FAQ topics. Thank you for your participation in the… Continue reading Shop Amazon Smiles, Donate to Your Choice Cause

Moving Forward

Lyme Update #19 *My Last Nerve*

Am I healing from Chronic Lyme Diseases? Who knows? Lyme doesn't have a cure, only times of remission. There's no way to plan for lingering health problems you will get, will or won't recover from. Symptoms may go away over time, stay same or get worse. There's no definitive test to gauge how your major… Continue reading Lyme Update #19 *My Last Nerve*

Moving Forward · Survivor

Unconditional Love-The Sacrifices Never End

My grandparents loved me unconditionally with words, most importantly their actions. They saw the effects of abuse and neglect from a distance, I never said anything or make accusations. Granny spent extra time with me, giving me a long bath, washing my hair, scrubbing dirty feet, knees and elbows. She pampered me with few words… Continue reading Unconditional Love-The Sacrifices Never End

Moving Forward · Survivor

Have You Noticed My Twitter Feed Recently?

  I hit the jackpot and can't wait to share with you.       Have you peaked at my Twitter timeline lately?  My passion has changed from Rock Stars to Support Resources, from Charities, Organizations and OutReach Programs who support the issues closest to my heart. The mix includes resources for PTSD, Sexual Abuse… Continue reading Have You Noticed My Twitter Feed Recently?

Men & Womens Health · Moving Forward

Opiate Addiction Grows in over 50

Addiction to Opiates Rise to Alarming Rate. by John Rosengren, AARP Bulletin, June 2017| The Opioid Menace – AARP AMERICANS OVER 50 are using narcotic pain pills in surprisingly high numbers, and many are becoming addicted. While media attention has focused on younger people buying illegal opioids on the black market, dependence can also start… Continue reading Opiate Addiction Grows in over 50