Moving Forward

No one wants to have a mental illness — Shedding Light on Mental Health

Really? Yesterday morning I awoke to a text message from my sister Sherry who also lives with bipolar disorder. She wrote, “I hate bipolar illness.” It didn’t take long for my wheels to start to turn. Of course you hate this illness. I hate bipolar too. I don’t like how it interrupted my life and […]… Continue reading No one wants to have a mental illness — Shedding Light on Mental Health

Men & Womens Health

Invisible Disability Awareness Week

Thanks Nicole, many face the challenge of invisible illnesses and the challenge of being heard. M


This week (15-21st October) is Invisible Disabilities Awareness Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness to all chronic conditions which you cannot see. In fact 96% of people who live with a chronic illness live with an illness which you cannot see. So with this in mind you may not know that someone you know is in fact living with a chronic condition and is in fact struggling because it is not visible and looking at them they look the same as everyone else on the outside. People living with these conditions may not be in a wheelchair but they experience other symptoms which have a significant impact on their quality of life such as fatigue and brain fog. So the next time you meet someone with a chronic illness the number one thing to remember is NEVER ever say “but you don’t look sick” or “I hope you get…

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Celebrate Life

#WATWB NBC Nightly News 10/25/18 SINGING JANITOR

          With the constant media chatter it's easy to fall into the negativity thrown at us. I want the media to target more compassion, good neighbor stories, tweets of support not trolls. Here's a story that touched my heart.   SINGING JANITOR: For 37 years, janitor Freddie Wiggins has been encouraging… Continue reading #WATWB NBC Nightly News 10/25/18 SINGING JANITOR

Celebrate Life · Fun

This Day In History October 24th

1964 The Godfather of Soul captures lightning in a bottle His studio cuts can be mind-blowing, but James Brown and his fans know there's nothing like seeing the R&B dynamo live, fronting his Famous Flames. When a recording of tonight's session at the Apollo Theater in Harlem is released as an album, it will rocket… Continue reading This Day In History October 24th

Men & Womens Health

WP Chat On Safari Update Issues

Damianne P (Automattic) Oct 12, 11:17 UTC Hi Melinda, The login in issue happened today when trying to a leave comment. I write my comment, try to hit send it says I’m not logged in. When I go to log in, it takes me to a site I don’t see regularly but does have my… Continue reading WP Chat On Safari Update Issues

Celebrate Life

Happy Anniversary Robert Goldstein

I heard this song yesterday, Robert instantly came to mind, his enthusiasm for the band reminds me of how I felt hearing them for the first time. Robert, I'm sending my love as you celebrate 27 years, thick, thin, rich, poor, sick, sicker and still in love!      M

Celebrate Life · Men & Womens Health

My 2018 Mammogram News

When you have a Chronic Illness that creates severe pain it's easy to skip one more doctor appointment, I did. This week was my first mammogram in six years. Although it did feel like ANOTHER doctor appointment this week, I feel good about myself. A mammogram is for me, it can save my life and… Continue reading My 2018 Mammogram News

Moving Forward

FARA Philadelphia Symposium 2018–Pics & Reflections — Retrospective Lily

Hi, friends. I have a disability called Friedreich’s Ataxia. FARA–Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance–is an organization of doctors, patients, scientists, pharmaceutical companies, patients’ friends and family, etc. that works to advocate, raise money, and search for treatments and a cure for FA. This is my fifth year attending the annual conference in Philadelphia. [Cover Photo Credit: […]… Continue reading FARA Philadelphia Symposium 2018–Pics & Reflections — Retrospective Lily